Clan History
Various moments in Gladz's history as recounted/told by various people. These are in their original form, no changes have been made.

Table of Contents Gladz Beginnings
Miscellaneous Histories
  - The Last Alliance
  - The Great Setup/The Mystic Knights
  - The Alliance
  - The Alliance vs MD
  - The Mystic Dynasty Conflict
  - The Gladiatorz vs Empire of Guthix
  - The Gladiatorz vs The BlacKnights
2001-2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010
top of pageThe Last Alliance
by Acid Venom

It has been nearly a year since the war to end all wars took place, and the after effects have yet to fully ware off the land of Runescape. In the origins of BDK, they were actually pretty good guys who were around in the time of the Wanderers and Sabres eras, although their strength wasnt much at the time. The corruption occured when Robin Hood and Zar Family 2 got a piece of the leading pot along with Azn Purity. Robin hood, imfamously known to nearly everyone, wanted to make the almighty clan, to dominate Runescape, and to destroy all other remaining old clans left in the game. At this time, the decline of the once great Gladiatorz had begun. Robin hood noticing this, was not remaining idle while other wars were being waged. He waited until he found the perfect time to attack one of the long lasting clans- When some of the Gladz leaders had become bored with Runescape and/or busy with life, they declared war. To this day I still believe that BDK didn't expect anyone to aid the gladz in the war due to their high level superiority, but boy were they wrong. In this piece, I will now list some of the Key People in this time of war, and talk about some of the clans who rode to war on that fine Saturday afternoon, and ultimatly, the war itself.

Once the war had broke out, it seemed to be a shuffle and a mad dash to pick a side to fight for. The very day war was declared, some of the top clans leaders had a massive meeting on AOL messenger to discuss everything. Acid Venom, King Cj70, Mytstical25, and Tarnorth were among the majority of the leaders who helped develop the strategy to win this war. The first plan established from CJ was to have Acid buy as much time as possible and to delay the inevitable in hopes of rallying enough clans to our side. Our only real hope to the sheer level advantage BDK had was strength in numbers. Once Acid finally got BDK to wait almost 2 months for the war to actually happen, the recruiting began. Almost once a week the current clans allied for the war would meet and discuss any news concerning the war.

Now for the Clans. There were probably over 50 different clans representing the Last Alliance, but only the official, main ones I can dig up will be listed and talked about. Even though this war will always be remembered for the famous premature charge, the organization that took place was very very high. In fact from who I have discussed, I dont recall one ally turning on another for their items, the clans united, to fend off BDK before they grew too strong, this is why the alliance was known as the 'Last Alliance'. The original clans in this alliance were simply the Gladiatorz, Blacknights, and 'The' Clan. Most of the credit for gathering allies has to go to CJ for he was friends with nearly everyone. One of the first clans to join up were the Royal Knights of Argasnia, lead by Kithplana and Mordon. After finding out Orbital 2 and the Golden Helms were siding along with BDK, the alliance, growing desperate, had to look for former enemies, unseen allies, and the little guys for any help possible. Some other clans who joined the fight to rally against BDK included a long time enemy in the AoD clan alliance, which contained about 6 small clans under one banner. DOF and the Crusaders, whom I believe was led by Jammy316 at the time, also joined arms with us. The Russians, aka BOS, and their long time allies BOJ, both sent what was left of their decaying armies to help. RSD, which had disbanded and became KOS, remained idle for the most with the exception of a couple members who pledged allegience to the cause, one notable was Numnums. Gods of Chaos, GOC answered the call for help, and even the Sabres who recently had been restored and led by D11 Sabre joined in. BDK did find one ally though, in the Mystic Knights. The Mystic Knights werent yet enemies of the gladiatorz, nor did really any of the exiles from Gladz except for Indigo participate, but they joined BDK to take over Runescape. Almost every day a rant would go on about the war on and a small clan would join the cause one side or another. The board was set, all that was left was one fine day to decide the months of preparation.

The plan was simple, swarm BDK and overrun them with strength in arms. This plan was nearly shattered from the start with a premature charge, where nearly half of the people began the assault into the wilderness, while the other half remained idle on ice mountain. One thing the alliance didnt expect was the huge mobilization of BDKs members to show up at the war. One Captain in particular, who slayed many of the allies, was X Shadow X. For hours war waged on, some of BDKs high levels fell, many of the alliances members fell, until finally only a few remained, and the few were outnumbered by BDK. Some of the people recalled who lasted til nearly the end were Agassi, Acid Venom, Mystical 25, Pepsi 24, Gogeta SSj5, Unitpoop, and Aznboi69. Overwelmed, the sound of retreat was finally sounded and the war was lost. Not a total loss though, as BDK realized that they weren't invincable. The pact and brotherhood made between the clans seemed to stick for once after all the backstabbing and new alliances had been made for years, especially between the Gladz, Blacknights, and 'The' Clan, times change, people change, but these 3 clans have remained true to eachother ever since.

The Downfall of BDK was the same thing that gave them their success, their high level members. Robin Hood, feeling unstoppable, and doing his usual thing, with a few others turned on AZN Purity at a clan PK trip, which caused BDK to nearly split in half, Robin Hood tried to make a new clan, while Azn tried to restore the once great clan BDK was. Neither of them suceeded. Robin couldn't keep anyone loyal to him, so his hopes of dominating Runescape were once again shattered. Azn and Zar Family got BDK back on their feet, but lost much of what they once had to Kill on Site, KOS, who became the new heavy hitters of Runescape. All in all the war against BDK had the greatest amount of clans joined together under one banner ever, and in the end BDK fell and the Gladiatorz still stood. Maybe one day another Clan and Power hungry leader will emerge threatening the land of Runescape as we know it, But the remaining threads of the Last Alliance will always be there to meet them.....
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top of pageThe Great Setup/The Mystic Knights
by Acid Venom

This has infamously been known as the great set up. This also lead to the Empire and the greatest betrayal to date the gladz have ever witnessed. Here is how it goes...

One day a noob challenged us to war, making up a website, a fake members list, and everything needed to suck us right into accepting the war. We even expected a higher level clan to show up instead, but we didnt expect this. The Gladz Who attended Were Joe Jenninz, Acid Venom, The Rocket, Wassupp350, Yamataka, Kweef, Topdogg75, Newbedford 8, and Toming. We ventured out deep into the wilderness and found no one. Joe lead the pack of warriors east towards the demons, when Raimus(Who is also known as Phule, Ghaleon, Frodo, a once important member in gladz) and Indigo Flame showed up. The group had been somewhat scattered and Acid was leading one group who consisted of Yamataka, Newbedford 8, and Toming, while Joe had a group with Rocket, Wassup, Kweef and Topdogg. Joe was the first to run into Indigo, and out of no where, Topdogg turned on joe and Indigo ran west. Raimus stood idle, neither attacking nor helping. I was west when nearly all of this newly found Mystic Knights clan swarmed the 4 of us. This looked like the alamo with 2hers, Newbed and Yama fell quickly, and Toming and Acid fled east, only to run into Joe and Rocket being slaughtered. Wassup had already died, and Toming was low on food, tried to escape but was killed. Acid then tried to protect rocket, but failed as rocket died right in front of him. Joe and Acid were all that was left, Acid tried to fend them off as long as he could but was overun and died. By this time, Rocket was charging back into the wilderness to save joe, but was teamed beyond belief, and died a second time. Acid was back in the wild now running for Joe but arrived just a minute too late, Joe had fallen. Acid then was forced to retreat south and escape a second death. Thus ending the great set up

That night, Rafi, Rocket, Acid, and Joe all met and discussed, and a couple things were accomplished. The Rank "Fierce Warrior" was created, and Acid found out what exactly happened. He found the Mystic Knights website and found out how Indigo Flame formed a anti-glad clan formed out of hatred against us. Topdogg75, Kweef, Raimus, and Indigo Flame were all exiled from the gladz, even though Raimus claimed not to know anything about it. The hatred between the 2 clans ultimatly lead to the war between the Gladz and the Mystic Knights. This was the most emotional, unorthadox war ever. The Mystic Knights had the Gladz outmuscled and outnumbered, but RPKers raided the war, and Raimus ordered MK and Gladz to both pull their men out. At edgeville, A couple gladz and a handful of Mystic Knights decided to peace for now and to rid the RPKers. Acid was the only glad who ventured far with MK to fight RPKers, and Raimus led everyone to the prayer alter. There, Panzer Pure attacked Acid, and the Mystic Knights shut the doors, barring Acid in and had no one to help him get out. He was killed for the 1st time at a clan war with the Gladz.

After months of hating, MK disbanded and re-emerged again with Raimus under a new name-Phule. This time around they warred other clans, particularly KOS, and the Gladz never confronted them. Eventually, they disbanded again. They came back one more time, and Raimus, yet again, on another name Frodo, took over and made MK a strong clan yet again. They allied with the RSMob led by Greywanderer, and Exercitum, and made an alliance Known as the Empire.

Acid, still very much into the knowledge of MK, joined MK to spy on them when he was offered a position as leader by Raimus, Acid accepted, and wanted to see how far into this clan he could penetrate. Acid tried to make an alliance between all of the clans, Gladz, BK, 'THE', TDS, RSmob, and MK. This plan failed horribly when TDS and RSMob came across a newfound hatred for one another. Acid pushed the issue for everyone to get along, upsetting some of the allies. He went with MK to a war, and was attacked by allies of the Gladiatorz. He then wrongly used his power he held in both clans and told the allies they were no longer of service to the gladz anymore. Joe, seeing this unfold, stopped it before it could get any worse, demoting Acid and Blaze(who at the time supported Acid) and made sure his allies knew the Gladz were still allied.

After a few months of peace, it finally happened. The Alliance Went Against the Empire in an epic battle to decide who had the ultimate clan alliance in Runescape. After a hard fought war, The Alliance came out victorious, finishing off the already crippled Mystic Knights, and eliminating the RSmob. The Mystic Knights have once again appeared on the scene and are currently allied with TDS, one of The Alliance Clans. The Mystic Knights were born out of hatred from the Gladz, and for many days to come we will always remember the first night they appeared, and showed us what power they are capable of....
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top of pageThe Alliance
by Foswald

The Unholy Syndicate: The Beginnings

The Alliance was originally founded by King Cj70, Acid Venom, and Mystical25. These three people represented 'The', Gladiatorz, and BlacKnights who were three of the most powerful clans of the time. These clans were the three oldest clans in Runescape still around and had not only been allies in the past but enemies as well. The name thought up by the three leaders for this new alliance was "The Unholy Syndicate". The name was not widely liked and would eventually be changed later. Moving on, the Unholy Syndicate's earliest days were filled with no activity (other than a minor conflict between RsMob and 'The' that resulted in nothing) and few events. The first major event to come along was the admission of TDS to the ranks of the Unholy Syndicate. Their joining effectively ended the name the Unholy Syndicate and brought about a new era for this alliance.

The Alliance: Age of Challenges

A short period of tranquility followed the admission of TDS to The Alliance. That tranquility was broken by Acid Venom. Acid had dreams of an even bigger alliance containing the current members as well as RsMob and the MK (Hated enemies of the Gladiatorz and BlacKnights). Without asking the other clans he went to TDS asking for their support of this idea. TDS felt bullied by Acid and immediately went to the other Alliance leaders asking for their support. They gave it right away and Acid was demoted by his Co-Leader Joe Jenninz. This was an important event in the history of The Alliance as it was the first time that all the leaders had truly come together. The Alliance was now much stronger and much more unified than it had been before. After this event, Acid went to the MK for some time. A short while after Acid's Debacle, an alliance known as "The Empire" declared war on the BlacKnights. This Empire was made up of The Mystic Knights, Exceritum, and RsMob. Their war effort fell apart due to The Alliance's unexpected unity, Their own disunity, and skillfull arguing/negotiating on the part of the BlacKnight leadership (Rb0287 and Foswald). Due to disunity, The MK was the only one left to face The Alliance so they quickly dropped the declaration. Soon, once again due to disunity, The Empire fell apart. Not only did the Empire fall apart, its leader clan, the Mystic Knights fell apart sending most of their members to the RsMob making it an extremely powerful clan. The Rsmob, with its new power, quickly began picking fights with The Alliance, especially TDS. Even before the Empire conflict the Rsmob had been bickering with TDS. There was more than one war declaration by the Rsmob on TDS before the Empire Conflict and all were dropped for one reason or another. This time, however, the RsMob would get their war. For weeks arguments and flaming raged between the two sides. They appeared on paper to be an equal match but it would become apparent that they were not. Finally, the final battle was fought and the RsMob was defeated soundly by Alliance forces. A few weeks later, the clan would die out completely.

The Alliance: External Peace, Internal Bickering

With the RsMob gone there was no longer any challengers to the Alliance's power for one reason or another. The peaceful time was well spent by the members of The Alliance. As each clan grew they sought ways to test their strength, boost their activity, and have fun in general. The found this in a simple answer: Play Wars. Play wars consist of each clan using cheap armor and cheap weapons in a real war setting. Each clan tested them out with great success. The original one-on-one wars grew to be wars between the whole alliance and even eventually prospective members. These wars could also lead to problems. One major one was the second war between the whole alliance. Due to major communications problems and a location change it was a debacle. TDS felt like they had been ambushed on purpose by 'The' and the Bk because they were not informed very early of the location change or of the fact that their partners the Gladz wouldnt be showing. Their clan speaker, Yamataka, and council members, Ronan XVII and Alilshy, all talked of disbanding The Alliance. Thanks to the willingness of Twistedsis and Princess Rae of TDS to speak with King Cj70, Foswald, Annasweat, and others The Alliance was preserved for the time being. This was the beginning of the end for TDS' membership though. A short time after the war another war was held which confirmed the membership of a new clan in The Alliance, The Jaguars. The Jagz had been helping friends of The Alliance since the days of the Rsmob war and finally their help payed off in an Alliance membership. They were welcomed by all and very respected. Even with the happyness spreading about a new member, a "Cold War" of sorts was brewing between The Alliance leaders and the Clan Speaker of TDS, Yamataka. Ever since the botched play war Yamataka and other leaders had problems. Many of the Alliance Leaders questioned her loyalty among other problems. Eventually the problems would escalate and The Alliance's leaders would write a petition and just as they were getting their final signatures TDS announced their resignation. Arguments with TDS officials on various boards went on for a few days over betrayals, lies, and slandering of people's names but this would cease in time and The Alliance would begin looking for a new member. They had one within a week and that was Lunar. Lunar was an up and coming clan based on democracy. For the most part, it was made of former TDS members that had left due to Yamataka. They fastly became a welcome member of the Alliance and great contributor. That brings us to the current time of peace and power that The Alliance is in.
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top of pageThe Alliance vs MD
by Acid Venom

Tuesday, April 13th, marked the day that The Alliance pulled off perhaps the greatest set up in it's exsistance. Around 6:00 PM, Joe Jenninz and Acid Venom were invited into a chat with X Dragon X, Chronotruper, Upbrother, and a few other members of various clans. XDX had told joe he wanted a one verse one war between the Gladiatorz and Mystic Dynasty. When Joe told XDX he would take it to the other leaders, XDX flamed him to no extent. Acid Venom returned from being AFK only to see XDX being his usual angry self. Acid, arrogant as usual, started going off back on XDX, in hopes of getting him to shove aside the 1v1 war he had hoped for. With this in mind, Acid challenged all of MD to a war, him vs all of them, to be that night at 8 pm. DXD and Chrono both without question agreed.

Acid, knowing his death was near, decided it was time to put XDX in line. He got ahold of Foswald, who is like the alliance socializer, and Foswald started a chat with Him, Acid, RB, Sneaky, Mystical, Joe, Jerico, Anna, Phunk, and Lucca. Acid Foswald and Jerico got ahold of all of the allies to muster quick and be ready for war. With the great dedication of the clan, members flocked to the palace on a seperate server heeding the call as Acid marched to his doom.

Chronotruper, who is very wise in clan politics, discovered Acid had asked for the Alliance to come and take down MD after his DM. For this, he was growing suspicion quicker and quicker. His 'No Fear' attitude led him to go on with the war. Acid met MD at the bank, and Upbrother(Who had been in the original chat and knew about the war) showed up with 5 or 6 of his best and most loyal men due to the fact he had much hatred for some members in MD. XDX allowed them to come knowing they wouldn't stop his mighty force. Acid lead Upbrothers company to the Greater Demons, and as they arrived, the alliance moved into the wilderness on another server. After a ten minute stand still, MD flooded from the southwest after the small force who was meant to fight them. MD slayed all of Upbrothers Company, including Upbrother himself, and Acid was left alone to fight the horde of enemies. Knowing his death was near, he tried to hold them off as long as he could, and Acid was at no life and no food when he looked to the West and saw a sea of Alliance members, lead by Joe Jenninz, rushing to his aid. Joe himself slayed 4 members of MD, and many men fell. After only a couple minute battle, MD had been cleared from the Demons. Chronotruper fell to Sneaky Diva and XDX survived the confrontation though. Even Acid, thanks to the alliances early arrival, survived the unsurvivable.

With this all said and done, X Dragon X and Chrono, furious at the appearance of the alliance, declared war on the alliance. Only time will tell what will happen next.
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top of pageThe Mystic Dynasty Conflict
by Acid Venom

The Mystic Dynasty, lead by Rico, XDX, Apostile, and a few others, originally was known as ‘The New MK’ because of Rico creating it right after the Mystic Knights disbanded, and because it was the same type of clan- one wanting to conquer the world. The feud between the Mystic Dynasty and the Gladiatorz began with the set up created by Joe Jenninz and Acid Venom in which they drew the Mystic Dynasty into the wild only to be decimated by the alliance. This led to an ongoing feud between ‘The’ Alliance and The Golden Alliance, which ultimately led to the Mystic Dynasty declaring war on the Gladiatorz.

The rules were simple, you could not leave the multi combat area, you can not log, you can not bank, you fight to the last man. This was the first real RS2 war yet, making it a very new battlefield for both sides. Tactics above all else would win this war. This is what led The Rocket to come up with a plan to take down MD. Rocket and joe sent for some of his most trusted and battle ready men to take council with them. They brought Lord Noah, Obiwan623, and Acid Venom to take part in the plan. The plan was to have Acid, Noah, and Obi all rush into the MD forces as they marched towards the Gladiatorz position in the wild. Noah would run into the middle of them, and run back to the Gladz main force, while Acid and Obi would run west, splitting MD in half and forcing the Gladz to only face half of MD at a time. Acid and Obi would be running to their death, but Noah was the key, he had to make it back to the forces in order for the plan to succeed at all.

Everything changed when Acid was approached by Rico from the Mystic Dynasty. They had a long talk about the politics in Runescape. This led Acid and Joe to discuss them. Joe finally came up with the idea of getting Acid on the inside of MD, and giving away their plans and position, thus taking MD down from the inside. Acid and Joe staged a fight, making it appear Acid quit the clan for turning on Titan420 in the wilderness. Acid then applied for MD and was accepted, just not allowed on the boards yet. Yet again the plan took a drastic change the night before the war when Raimus discovered these plans and plotted to have Acid killed before he got the chance to turn on MD. Joe, realizing the whole plan would go down in flames, had Acid pull out of MD and revert back to the original plan.

It was now the day of the war, perhaps the final war between Rico and the Gladiatorz, a war which has been fought for over a year. After some timing conflict, the Gladz marched into the wilderness. Acid and Noah ran ahead only to run into DI and RSD together who came to get some armor. Acid and Noah both ran back to the Gladz and the group of RSD/DI was repelled back to Edgeville. The Gladz then went to the Northeast corner of the wilderness and gathered up, meanwhile, MD logged in and ran into RSD and DI coming back for more and a battle ensued. Finally the Gladz and MD had a war between eachother, which lasted a good time, but finally, the yellow capes were driven out of the wilderness. There was an OUTSTANDING turnout from both sides. After MD was driven out, the Alliance all met up for screen shots, and found random groups of MD, DI, and RSD in the wilderness. Upon the gladz returning to the bank, MD was yelling the Gladz were allied with DI and RSD and they cheated and MD won. Typical MD… As this chapter in the ongoing saga comes to an end, The war with Rico has not ended, but only more fuel to the fire has been lit with this victory. Only time will tell what challenge will be brought upon us next...
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top of pageGladiatorz VS. Empire of Guthix
by Acid Venom

The feud between the Gladiatorz and the Empire of Guthix started long ago when Joe and Acid declared war on the United Clans of Runescape, which was co-lead by Squall900200. That war was swiftly one by the Gladiatorz. Squall later joined MD and took part in the war with the Gladiatorz. After 2 defeats and numerous flaming, Squall became very angered with the Gladz and Acid Venom in particular. He created a new clan called the Empire of Guthix, and declared war on the Gladz. Many people felt it was a setup because of the sheer numbers the Gladz had, not to mention the massive level difference between the clans.

It was the day of the war, the leaders were preparing, the members were training, and everyone was anticipating the war. The time had come and Sneaky One and Jerico led the Rohirrim out to the battlefield. They set up a wall of warriors protecting the mages by the greater demons, and a wave of EoG came, a very small wave that was defeated in less than a minute. A few minutes later, a plague of monks showed up from the west, and yet again Jerico and Sneaky led the Gladiatorz to a swift victory. The most important kill came from The Rocket, who killed Squall. Two notable people who came to this war were Blaze Mace and Nightman Jr. After the monks were destroyed, the Gladz took a victory march to Edgeville, and then grouped up together at the bar for a brief party before going back to the wilderness to rumble some more. EoG and Gladz both gained eachothers respect, and this feud had finally ended peacefully.
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top of pageThe Gladiatorz vs. The Blacknights
by Acid Venom

The Gladiatorz vs. The Blacknights. The war of all wars thus far in the history of both clans. Where should this tale begin? A year ago this war would sound absurd, two years ago this war would sound absurd, three years ago this war would sound absurd. But now this war is inevitable. Let’s start a few years back before the break of the BDK war. The Blacknights at the time were the Gladiatorz only official allies due to the fact the Gladz felt they were strong enough to not have them, but couldn’t drop BK from their friendship. As soon as the BDK war ended, King CJ70 from ‘The’ Clan, Acid Venom from the Gladiatorz, and Mystical25 from the Blacknights met and officially decided to make an alliance then known as the ‘Unholy Syndicate’. This three clan alliance seemed unbreakable, eventually TDS was brought into the alliance, but after Yamataka was influenced by MK, they dropped out and were replaced by the Lunar Wolves. Lunar also eventually would leave on a happier note, but the three original alliance clans stood strong. The Empire came to rise, and at this time the Unholy Syndicate changed it’s name to ‘The’ Alliance. The two massive armies collided and the Empire was defeated. Eventually the Jagz and TMRD would join the alliance too. After a time of peace and nothing to do, BK, now led by Phunk, determined it was time for them to separate from their eternal brothers and leave the alliance. This came as a major shock even though there were signs of it coming, and soon after BK and ZF seemed to become closer, and much flaming insued. The Gladiatorz Elder members decided they would never declare war on BK, for they were our brothers. But eventually Phunk and some council members would influence BK to declare it on the Gladiatorz in turn.

Now for the war preparations and war. The Gladiatorz and BK seemed to both be pretty equal going into the war. Since the Gladz had not been able to recruit in a while do to a previous war, they decided to keep recruitment open til one week prior to the war. This may have shot the Gladiatorz in the foot because a massive wave of people flooded to BK, BK obviously welcomed all the help they could get with open arms. The Gladz would not lay down and die however, Joe Jenninz and Jerico brought back the Gladiatorz War Machine, which basically caused a tremendous hype for members to gain levels. Over 1,000 levels were gained in around a 3 week span. Kaopealii started a program to lend out whips which helped people train, many other things were done by members of the clan to bring a sense of unity.

Finally the day of the war arrived. The Gladiatorz came with a full head of steam ready to take down Phunk and the Blacknights. The strategy for this war was for Acid and Joe to stand further west than the rest of the clan and set up a fake place where the Gladiatorz would make their stand. This would cause BK members to rush at them, wasting energy and prayer and spreading them out as Joe and Acid rushed back to the guild. BK seemed already somewhat spread out and the plan did have success, but did not prove enough. After a good hour of battling, even though there were many speculations of cheating, the Gladiatorz were out numbered and outmuscled. They fought til the last man and the bitter end, but in the end, tasted defeat to their former brothers the Blacknights.

The defeat in this battle was not all in vain however, the Gladiatorz proved they do not have to hide behind The Alliance and that the Blacknights were rocked hard at the war. The Gladiatorz went into a war outnumbered and nearly out leveled but they rode to war regardless. BK use to be our brothers, we bled together, now we made each other bleed, but the Gladiatorz will stand tall to anyone or anything that dares challenge their greatness.
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