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Defining the Gods in D&D rules


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Any of you familiar with Dungeons&Dragons know that almost everything in that ruleset is defined on a good-evil and order-chaos scale. I've been doing tons of brainstorming and thought on the gods in Runescape, and realised that they actually fit quite nicely into that scale, each with their opposite. I find this will make it much easier for you to determine which god you wish to follow. We're running out of time, RS3 and the 6th age begin in less than a week! By the way, I've done a lot of research on these, and I am prepared to defend my placements with actual evidence from the game. So if you disagree with any of this - please go ahead and post it. I will gladly debate you :)

Chaotic Good <-> Lawful Evil
Neutral Good <-> Neutral Evil
Lawful Good <-> Chaotic Evil
Lawful Neutral <-> Chaotic Neutral
True Neutral

Godless - Liberty <-> Zaros - Control
Seren - Tranquility <-> Bandos - Conflict
Armadyl - Justice <-> Sliske - Anarchy
Saradomin - Order <-> Zamorak - Chaos
Guthix - Balance


Edited by Memphus
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Liberty is chaotic...................................


I don't know if I say this enough but

you're a fucking dummy

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Liberty is chaotic...................................


I don't know if I say this enough but

you're a fucking dummy


Yes. As in, people are free to do what they want, without an oppressive government (or in this case, god) controlling and regulating them. That is the core of libertarianism.

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I play D&D. I am not familiar with most of the RS gods anymore, but that seems pretty accurate. I don't know about some of these, though:


Zamorak seems chaotic, but seems also evil.

Bandos seems more Chaotic neutral than neutral evil, doesn't he?

I think Saradomin is (supposedly) a righteous (in the way of "good") god, isn't he? 

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I play D&D. I am not familiar with most of the RS gods anymore, but that seems pretty accurate. I don't know about some of these, though:


Zamorak seems chaotic, but seems also evil.

Bandos seems more Chaotic neutral than neutral evil, doesn't he?

I think Saradomin is (supposedly) a righteous (in the way of "good") god, isn't he? 


If we were playing Runescape pre-2010 I would completely agree with you. But all of the recent questlines and storylines try to explain Zamorak's actions as well-being, and show a darker side of Saradomin. So I'd say they meet more in the middle.

As for Bandos, I couldn't place him as either lawful or chaotic because he probably has decent military structure to his chaotic destruction (lol), but he is most definitely evil because all he seeks is war war war for no reason at all. Death and destruction, with no ultimate means of good.

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