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  1. Past hour
  2. Its Pebs

    Application!!!! [JR]

    Welcome friend
  3. Today
  4. MrsDewwBerry

    Application!!!! [JR]

    Welcome to the clan
  5. Elvinloar

    Application - GodofPortway

    Be sure to ask for an invite next time you're in chat. Anyone ranked Organizer+ will be able to assist you with your invite there.
  6. Elvinloar

    Application!!!! [JR]

    Hey! Welcome in
  7. Yesterday
  8. Meowbella

    Application!!!! [JR]

  9. until
    Who: Anyone What: KK Achievement Attempts (Sub 4 Man Attempts) Where: W39 KK & Discord for coordination as needed Can do multiple runs to get people in for achievements or break into multiple groups if enough folks are present! Sorry not sorry on formatting but these are the ones we can focus on for the event: Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Defeat the Kalphite King in a team of 4 or fewer without anyone dying to a 'Beetlejuice' attack. Yes Kalphite King N/A Hard 3 15 Best Offence Defeat the Kalphite King after triggering his Immortality and then defeat him again. Yes Kalphite King N/A Elite 4 50 Burrowed Time Defeat the Kalphite King in a team of 4 or fewer without anyone being hit by any of his 'Burrow' attacks. Yes Kalphite King N/A Hard 3 15 Charging Up Defeat the Kalphite King in a team of 4 or fewer without anyone being hit by any of his 'Charge' attacks. Yes Kalphite King N/A Hard 3 15 Never Eat Silk Worms Get charged by the Kalphite King to each side of the arena and then defeat him. Yes Kalphite King N/A Hard 3 40 Orange You Glad I didn't say Blue? Defeat the Kalphite King in a team of 4 or fewer without anyone being hit by any of his orange 'Bomb' attacks. Yes Kalphite King N/A Hard 3 15
  10. rturner1991

    Application!!!! [JR]

    hey thank you for invite firemaker and ty for welcomes!
  11. Peace 2 all

    Where are you from ?

    Southern Pa ( near border). Originally from NYC. Moved out of that big city in 1991, and never plan to move back there.. Love my open space less crowd .. CLEAN air.. etc. From NYC , moved to Western NY 5 min drive off Lake Ontario.. Loved it there except the long winter season. Seem to only have 2 seasons there. winter and spring. Where i am now, still taking time to figure how why everything closes in just few inches of snow and everyone goes into a panic attack about it that they forget how to even drive SMH.
  12. Peace 2 all

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    on pandora. billy joes channel.. what ever come up.. good good good good VIBRATION!.. ( subwoofer at the finest)
  13. Tristan

    Application!!!! [JR]

  14. Beric

    Application!!!! [JR]

    Welcome to Gladz!
  15. UnrealDream

    Application!!!! [JR]

    Hiya, and welcome to The Gladiatorz @rturner1991! Now that you’ve been invited, you’ll be going through your Junior Trial Period. You can further read about it from the link mentioned below, and through a forum PM I’ll be sending you momentarily. Your mentors are: @Chimm & @Made N China. Please make sure you've added them to your friends list so they may begin helping you immediately. Good luck! Junior Trial Period Information: http://www.the-gladiatorz.com/forums/index.php?/topic/6-junior-mentoring-program/
  16. Firemakers

    Application!!!! [JR]

    Welcome to The Gladiatorz! Invited into the CC. Needs Junior. @Leader @Mentor Lead
  17. Firemakers

    Application!!!! [JR]

    Hey! app looks good, I see you're in our cc already so we can sort you out with an invite now!
  18. rturner1991

    Application!!!! [JR]

    1 ) Rturner1991, pc 2 )yes 3 ) not that i'm aware of have played off and on for years 4 ) no didn't really need a clan as i usually played with irl friends but now im not and would like some ig friends 5 ) no 6 ) no1 recruited found through https://steamcommunity.com/app/1343400/discussions/1/3109143313954227531/ 7 ) est, usually play in afternoons/evenings depending on if im off for weather or other reasons may play in morning like to day 8 ) Def 9 ) forum, in game and discord 10 ) rturner1991. 11 ) yes
  19. GodofPortway

    Application - GodofPortway

    I have joined the guest cc, thanks @Elvinloar Thanks for the welcome! Looking forward to getting stuck into events!
  20. MrsDewwBerry

    Application - GodofPortway

  21. Elvinloar

    Application - GodofPortway

    Your application looks good. When you have a moment, please feel free to guest in our clan chat (The Gladiatorz) if you're not already doing so, and request an invite. (Anyone ranked Organiser+ will be able to assist you) It might help to be on World 39 and to have your Private set to "ON" (yellow diamond) If you are unsure how to guest in our clan chat; here is a quick guide! If you have any questions about these actions, please do ask away in the CC, or here.
  22. GodofPortway

    Where are you from ?

    Currently Bath (SW England) but in the process of moving to Dubai.
  23. The absolute glory days! Still one of my favorite songs until this day!
  24. GodofPortway

    Application - GodofPortway

    1 ) What is your current display name? (Offensive names are declined.) Do you play on PC, MacOS or mobile? GodofPortway - PC & Mobile. 2 ) Are you a Runescape member? Membership (P2P) is required. Yes. 3 ) Have you been a member of The Gladiatorz before? No. 4 ) Including other accounts can you list your clan and team history? None. 5 ) Including other accounts are you currently in any other clan? We do not allow multi-clanning. No. 6 ) Who recruited you, could you provide a name? If no one did, how did you find us? Skaders - Banner at GE. 7 ) Which timezone are you in and when do you usually play? UK. 8 ) Are you prepared to maintain moderate forum and game activity (there is a monthly 500k XP requirement), and periodically check your forum messages (especially during your junior period)? Yep. 9 ) What is the best way to contact you (eg. Discord, in-game, forum messaging)? Discord or In Game. 10 ) What is your full Discord tag (eg. Username#0000 or user.name)? GodofPortway? 11 ) Have you added Beric and Nova Defense (Leaders), and Elvinloar and UnrealDream (Head Mentors), to your in-game friends' list? If not, please add them. Yes.
  25. Runekaappi

    Last post wins!

    Ahh yes! Memories
  26. Davey Shark

    Pizza toppings

    Great topic - Buffalo chicken, blue cheese, and a bit of mozzarella!
  27. Davey Shark

    Last post wins!

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