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  1. Today
  2. Elvinloar

    Tele Out application [JR]

    Happy to have you back with us!
  3. airogants

    Tele Out application [JR]

    Welcome back!
  4. Beric

    Tele Out application [JR]

    Welcome back!
  5. Maggie

    Tele Out application [JR]

    You will be able to access any links sent to you once a leader updates your forum account Hiya, and welcome to back The Gladiatorz @Elder Saiyan Now that you’ve been invited, you’ll be going through your Junior Trial Period. You can further read about it from the link mentioned below, and through a forum PM I’ll be sending you momentarily. Your mentors are: @Elvinloar & @rautsu. Please make sure you've added them to your friends list so they may begin helping you immediately. Good luck! Junior Trial Period Information: http://www.the-gladiatorz.com/forums/index.php?/topic/6-junior-mentoring-program/
  6. Maggie

    Tele Out application [JR]

    Welcome to The Gladiatorz! Invited into the CC. Needs Junior. @Leader @Mentor Lead
  7. Maggie

    Tele Out application [JR]

    Welcome back, you were swept for inactivity so are good to grab an invite in cc
  8. Tele Out

    Tele Out application [JR]

    1 ) What is your current display name? (Offensive names are declined.) Do you play on PC, MacOS or mobile? Tele Out and i play on PC but skill on mobile while at work! 2 ) Are you a Runescape member? Membership (P2P) is required. Yes 3 ) Have you been a member of The Gladiatorz before? Yes 4 ) Including other accounts can you list your clan and team history? I was just in this clan but went active due to irl 5 ) Including other accounts are you currently in any other clan? We do not allow multi-clanning. Nope 6 ) Who recruited you, could you provide a name? If no one did, how did you find us? Was in this clan before 7 ) Which timezone are you in and when do you usually play? PST most 5pm - 10pm 8 ) Are you prepared to maintain moderate forum and game activity (there is a monthly 500k XP requirement), and periodically check your forum messages (especially during your junior period)? Yess 9) What is the best way to contact you (eg. Discord, in-game, forum messaging)? Discord 10 ) What is your full Discord tag (eg. Username#0000 or user.name)?Name is "0893" 11) Have you added Beric and Nova Defense (Leaders), and Doug las and Elvinloar (Head Mentors), to your in-game friends' list? If not, please add them. Yes still have them added Yes!
  9. MrsDewwBerry

    Mrs D's Araxxor Q&A event for learners


    Always forget that my work PC sets the calendar in 24 hour time where as my desk top at home allows me to enter am/pm thank you for tagging me
  10. Beric

    Mrs D's Araxxor Q&A event for learners


    @MrsDewwBerry This is showing up as 5AM EST, did you mean for it to be PM? Just asking since that's when most of your events are. If you're spider murdering at the break of dawn, go wild
  11. The old puffed wheat or puffed rice cereal, I think it was Popeye's brand... just add sugar and you're good to go. I used to love that stuff when I was a kid. That or wheat bran cereal with a bit of sugar and raisins
  12. Yesterday
  13. until
    Let's take down the big rock. Mining xp yay. Learners welcome, will announce in CC 20 mins before first 5 are in Recommended T90 plus and preferably in discord VC please so you can hear call outs from the base.
  14. X5-452

    Last post wins!


    Last post wins!

    The slow realization of... yay batman!.... wait somethings wrong... wait is that?... OMG NOOOOO!!!
  16. Runekone

    Last post wins!

    Ahh dangit! I did not see it first, but when I started looking I realized instantly... Now I cant unsee this bs
  17. Chocolate Pillows, Kellogs Krave, whatever you want to call them are life.
  18. MrsDewwBerry

    SSR0 - Application [JR]

    Welcome to the clan
  19. MrsDewwBerry

    Nboutin2 Application [JR]

    Welcome to the clan
  20. MrsDewwBerry

    Vorkath Mass


  21. SunnyTacos

    Vorkath Mass

    Clan Vorkath Normal Mode Mass Calling all taco lovers for some Taco infused Fun! Ive seen a lot of people leveling up some necromancy, myself included. And thought getting that 100kc on Vorkathtogether would be a lot less painful! For those unawares - you need 100kc for Upgraded Nexus Doing Normal mode just so we can make faster progress on the KC and hopefully less painfully. We typically kill all undead mobs so we can skip the mechanics for a super chill run! Instance allows up to 10 players so will be on a first come first serve basis, however if we're full and a space pops up please jump in You will need to have completed the Battle of Forinthry Quest to participate NOTES: Dragonfire and Poison protection needed. Salve amulet (e) can be used or w/e you want. Where: World 39 - meet at the fort How to Join: Ask for Inv in clan chat - then join instance on SunnyTacos. We will meet at Fort Forinthry in the town hall (Kitchen has a bank) Come join in on discord vc if you'd like! Disclaimer:
  22. We want your feedback on Treasure Hunter, Solomon's Store and more. View the full article
  23. Last week
  24. AliceAlpaca6

    What Are You Currently Watching?

    Criminal minds all the way through
  25. AliceAlpaca6

    What made you start playing Runescape?

    I was first introduced to RS when I was 10 by the boy who lived across the road, he was my first ever crush
  26. AliceAlpaca6

    What quest lives rent-free in your head?

    for me that would probably be urm gertrudes cat... as i still question to this day what that quest looks like since the fort update
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