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Vyrewatch Guide

Lunar Tears

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Vyrewatch Burning


I'm making this guide because a lot of people have asked me what the hell a vyrewatch is and because no guide that I've found on the internet explains what this is, or how it's done very well. Not only will this mini game strengthen the only very weak weapon that will harm a vyrewatch, the Ivandis Flail, it is also a decent way of collecting skilling items, and if you're lucky, god armours as well as fire making xp and a small amount of prayer xp. The strengthening of this weapon will be crucial for quest lovers, as the Myreque series has a very scary, tough looking evil boss dude of the race that is only harmed by this pathetic thing. As of yet, you do not need to fight him, but I'm sure the conclusion will come soon, and you will hate not having done this already. The logs and amounts of oil that you will need will vary on your levels and both can be bought from the ge, if you wish, although this will lower the amount of money you make by far. The vyre corpses are the only thing you MUST do yourself, as they are untradeable. This guide is written assuming you have the levels to burn magic pyre logs. If you don't, just replace the little specific parts with your own logs, it's all the same in the end.

Collecting Logs


Assuming you have the wc and fm level for them, mage logs are the best, offering the most experience values and, so far as I know, better reward chances. Either buy them at the ge if you're a richie, or cut them yourself. I recommend wearing a strung rabbit's foot if cutting them yourself, as this can be time consuming, and a bunch of nests and seeds will only add to the total cash you make. A rabbit's foot can be obtained using the hunter skill to catch a rabbit, graphically chopping its cute little furry foot off, and putting a string through it, you twisted psycho. :D

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Getting There


The trapdoor behind the bar in Canifis is the fastest way to the areas you will be gathering your other supplies from. Climb down the hole, open the hidden door to the south, and run all the way through to the door. Go through the door, run south, across the bridge, further south, and take the boat. It's all there on the map. Fastest ways to the bar would be the ectophial, a ring of slaying, or the fairy code DLS, which brings you into the underground passage. Just go through the door south, then the one east and you will be inside the passage, with the door to the swamp to the south. If you have none of these telies (unlikely), you can run there by going east of varrock and through the temple you will be burning in.

Making Sacred Oil


Take out some cash and head to the general store in Burgh de Rott. Fill your inventory with olive oil and run back to bank and do it again. Depending on what logs you're using, you can either keep them as 3 dose, or turn them into 4. I buy out the full stock, decant them at ge, and then return. Once you have your stock of oil, put your gear on, any will do. Make sure to wear a salve ammy as the shades you're going to kill count as undead, and any weapon will hurt them. Lower lvs can use a Gadderhammer (from quest or bought from general store if lost) to hit the shades better. Get a tinder box and fill your inventory with olive oil. Hop to world 77 (Shades of Morton world) and start killing shades in the mini temple thing area, a little to the east and north of the general store. You can speed things up by helping to build the walls which require paste, planks, and bricks, all bought from the general store, but as these take up your inventory, I prefer to let the others build while I just kill. Building will also give crafting xp. When the temple is fully constructed, a pedastal will appear in the center and can be lit. Everytime you kill a shade, your sanctity level rises. Above 10% you can use the olive oil on the lit altar to turn it into sacred oil. Your sanctity level decreases with each sacred oil made so you need to keep killing shades. This takes a very long time, but is a hell of a lot better than buying them, as they are around 2k each and will drastically reduce what you make from burning the corpses. When you have all that you need, pour the sacred oil onto your logs to turn them into pyre logs.

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Vyrewatch Killing


I prefer to stick around the town of Burgh de Rott as the vyres are very close to a bank. As well, I stick to the lv 110s, they die faster and hit less. They only have one drop and its their corpse, on every kill, so don't wear a ring of wealth. Wear an enchanted salve ammy as they are the rs verion of vampires, and they DO count as undead. I prefer void or bandos armour for this. Bandos is best for those who want to defend against their high hits, and at lower flail lvs, will help you hit higher. I prefer void as a unicorn will always keep me at safe hp anyways, and it adds 10% to my attack, hitting those beautiful 25s more often. You can wear barrows as well if you prefer. I use a unicorn, because I can. Lower lvs, more so than the higher lvs, will find that these ass holes hurt. If you can't bring a unicorn or a bunny, bring some food to complete the run, you WILL need it. I would think 5-7 monks would do the trick.


Even when your flail is maxed, you will never hit above 25. Even with extremes + piety and max str gear, never above 25, so a strength booster is not needed. To speed it up, bring a super or extreme attack, those constant 25s are pretty :). Kill your vyres, fill your inventory with their dried up bodies, head to the bank, and do 'er again. With a maxed flail and an extreme atk dose per inventory, it takes me 20 mins to collect 26 corpses on average. For you higher lvs... this means 50 corpses in one uni.

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Burning the Corpses


This is the fun part. Most people will only care to upgrade the Ivandis Flail because this is too lengthy a process to do all the time for money; there are just too many faster ways. The flail can be upgraded a total of 10 times, happening after the burning of 50 corpses, up to 500. With each upgrade, an invisible +5% bonus to the weapon's atk, str and def is added, totaling a great +50% atk, str, and def when maxed; very, very helpful. Because of this gradual upgrading, it's best to kill 50 vyres at a time, burn them, then go back to make the next 50 die faster. Trying to kill 500 with the peice of shit you're given from the start will make you shoot yourself long before you're done. You can see how many you have killed by reading the lecturn in the southern area of the shrine. Bring a tinderbox, and 13 vyres and 13 pyre logs to the Paterdomus temple west of Canifis. You can bring more by using a BOB, but keep in mind they will only hold the logs, they can't carry corpses. A terrorbird might be preffered for this as it's infinite run will help for running between the Canifis bank and the temple. Run to the Paterdomus temple and down the stairs in the main room of the basement to start.


First lay the logs on a funeral pyre and then lay a corpse on top. Light the corpse and collect the key that appears. Burning the corpse gives the fm xp for that log and a certain amount of pray xp depending on what log you use. You can then use the keys on the wooden recesses in the walls around the room for a random reward. It doesn't matter what compartment, you can even use the same one over and over.


The keys can be banked, so it's up to you whether you open the doors at once or finish burning all corpses in your bank and then go. Though if you do this, be sure not to fill your entire inventory with keys as you sometimes recieve charms as well as a reward. Rewards include seeds, herbs, armours, gold, arrows, etc, as well as key halves (usually every 50 or so) and god armours (I've been told around every 200 or so).

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Well, I wrote this out two years ago, so it seems the need for maxing it out didn't exist at that point. But, after all this time, they're finally releasing the next part of the quest series, maybe the last, so you'll want to get at this if you plan on doing it.

Note: I'm not sure exactly what part of the flail they've changed, but I've noticed that while using turmoil with an extreme set, I am hitting close to 400, whereas before, even a maxed flail could only hit 250. Not sure what's doing it or even if it's a glitch, but who cares, take advantage.

Good luck guys.

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With 101 vyres killed I was hitting a max of 264

Thanks for the guide, the columbarium is one of my favorite areas of runescape and so thanks for reminding me about it, got in a few hours today with the top prize of the night being a guthix page one, currently 888k or so. Probably did about 60 vyres tonight, with a total profit of probably 800k but of course that's luck, not a big expense overall considering that it's fun to do. I watch videos when killing the vyres, and thats probably the biggest grind of the whole process. Using a slayer ring to the slayer tower helps with time and don't forget that now you can use the agility armors to reduce your weight, the vyres are 5 kg each. Also if you wield the dwarven army axe then it acts as a tinderbox for you so you can carry 1 more vyre/log. The music track 'Columbarium' that plays in there is actually one of the pieces that Jagex did perfectly, too, fits the area very well

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I <3 shade burning, but I've yet to try Vyrewatch. I know what I'll be doing tomorrow. :reporter:

Now to figure out how to get another flail...

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