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RuneScape Battlepass --> RunePass

Drake M

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Spend more money on our game so we can continue to provide subpar content (Y)

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4 minutes ago, Cam L said:

Spend more money on our game so we can continue to provide subpar content (Y)

Someone said 9.99 USD, but that link says its bonds

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Deleted User

Must say they're right about the oddments being a nice feature, the Ice Hearts needing rework (removal imo) and the base of TH (with those lame armour pieces) being outdated. The cosmatic stuff etc. I could do without, but the " whilst also awarding you with progress for simply earning XP in any part of the game"-part I like. We'll see...

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14 minutes ago, Drake said:

Veg's thoughts: a6941043a1.png

I mean. This thing can directly make them money. It'll come out. 

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8 hours ago, Drake said:

Veg's thoughts: a6941043a1.png


8 hours ago, Beric said:

I mean. This thing can directly make them money. It'll come out. 

It literally says in the thread that it's going to be out next week and run for 2 weeks as a test.

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13 hours ago, Beric said:

I mean. This thing can directly make them money. It'll come out. 

RSmobile RSchronicle RSidleAdventures MechScape StellarDawn NextGen btw


What the fuck even is this shit lmfao what you pay some money to then earn a few prismatic stars are you serious lmao? oH wOw SpOoKy I aM sO oUtRaGeD I hAvE a StRoNg UrGe To Go CoMpLaIn On ReDdiT wHy WoUlD JaGeX eVeR tRy SoMeThInG tO mAkE mOrE mOnEy GoSh DaRn InVeStOrS bUsInEsSeS wOuLd Be So MuCh BeTtEr If ThE oWnErS dIdNt WaNt AnY mOnEy WhY cAnT i JuSt HaVe ThInGs FoR fReE


This doesn't look like it will work at all, it's a waste of their time, Jagex employees have apparently been playing Fortnite (you know, that "Battle Royale" crap that'll be outdated by the next new game in a couple of months like the rest of those games - see you for the 17th anniversary of Fortnite BTW) rather than RuneScape.

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