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Elite dungeons 2

GNT Patrick

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Alright Gladz,


Im at work at the moment so bear with me for the basics of mobile typing. I was wondering everyone's thoughts on the second elite dungeon. I haven't played it yet so I was trying to get a perspective of it. 


Is it worth playing???? 

Did you enjoy it??? 

Do you recommend it???? 

What do you recommend using? 


Overall thoughts? Comments? questions? concerns? 

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Did it once, seems like a lot of fun. Every piece of content is worth a shot to try, so why not?


If you ever plan on going after Final Boss/IFB, good luck! Solo kills would be a pain for both EDs.

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It's certainly more enjoyable than the first one. The trash mobs are somewhat more interesting/challenging, the bosses are much better in my opinion, and I found ED2 fun to do while I was gaining my fragments for the elite Dungeoneering outfit. However, much like ED1, it gets old very quickly and is largely unrewarding. There's no real incentive for me to do it. The addition of the mutated melee abilities as boss drops was cool and makes it feel much more rewarding than ED1, but at the end of the day if you're going to grind something for hours on end there are far more exciting and rewarding things to spend your time on. 

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I enjoy it, as other have stated, bosses are better,  and worthwhile drops (while rare) Energy isnt worth as much as scales from ED1 but even the "trash" loot is better from ED2 ( Perfect gemstone scales / Dragonfire Ash / Onyx / Glaiven wingtip / Draconic Visage ).

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Less fun to rush through than the first one in my opinion. The first one lets you play up AOEs in a more satisfying way and the bosses seem less... bad.


That being said the codex rewards are great from the 2nd dung but they seem too rare to even factor into the time most people will spend there.

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