TheSaturday Session Events Are Always At 21:30 Game Time (Even if I mess up the calendar...{cough} )
Hi. I'm OddsRatio, owner and operator of Average Odds' PvM.
I'm here to tell you you're perfect just the way you are. But if you feel like gaining a few gold pieces, "Gitting Gud (Enough)", and making friends in the process, Odds' is the place for you. So come on down and learn some great content the way it's supposed* to be done.
Saturday Sessions:
The Saturday Sessions are dedicated to a specific boss. Each boss is going to get a Season, i.e. a few weeks/months dedicated to this specific boss.
The first Season is over. The second Seasonnow begins. Goodbye Solak, and hello VORAGO (See links below)
Please also note the change of duration. The Saturday Sessions are now scheduled for 2 hours to allow for even more PvM. Don't feel you have to be there for both hours, but you can be if you want to.
Average Odds' PvM is flexible, if you can PvM it, we'll try it, or your money back.**
Do you want to fix up your UI, perfect your key binds, tune up your basic PvM tools, unlocks, and skills, or learn a boss?
Do you want to learn how to kill a specific boss? We can give it a try! No perfect rotations or best-in-slot gear needed, NBRs welcome (The owner of Average Odds' Pvm is a big NBR).
Do you want to get achievements on bosses or in Elite Dungeons? Try our new "Wait...we have to do THAT?" service.
Do you want to get together with clannies and run a mass Vorago? Yeah, well that relies on outside consultants for the moment, but we can damned well try!
So if our Saturday Sessions are dedicated to something other than what you want or need, Average Odds' PvM can run an Ad Hoc Averageness Sessionjust for you.***
(Coming in the following unspecified time period: More cluelessness. Swearwords. PDF Boss Guides. A deep and lingering sense of despair. Even a clan drop competition [Rigged])
*Actual appropriateness and efficiency of any PvM will vary. Please ring our Complaints Hotline (+44 (0) 800 GITGUDNBR) to discuss your dissatisfaction. Ask for Brenda.
**There's no money.
***Secure your session with a low, low up front deposit of a mere one billion gold pieces, and incredible monthly payments of five hundred million gold pieces for life. Special Clannie discounts are available.