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Thegreatwha's Lumby Throwback Treasure Trails Casket Opening Event!


The Gladiatorz - Rs Events

Event details


Lumby Throwback

Treasure Trail Casket Opening Event!




Who: Everyone!

When: Sunday, April 14th at 10pm Eastern Time

Where: World 39, Top Floor Lumbridge Castle


This is a total throw-back event, with both special-guests and hopefully some surprising drops. Come and bring your caskets or whatever and let's have some fun as a community celebrating everyone and their drops and gainz.


:banana: I hope to see you there! :banana:





Edited by thegreatwha
time zone adjustment from pacific to east (just on the post - not the actual scheduled event, which should be good)

Recommended Comments

Love these. I get all the excitement of seeing chests open and I don't have to do any clues myself :reporter:

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And you get to do it in the best U.S. state! :woeh:


Looking forward to this. ^_^

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1 hour ago, Beric said:

Love these. I get all the excitement of seeing chests open and I don't have to do any clues myself :reporter:

You're welcome Jade. (H) <3 


1 hour ago, Sirsir said:

And you get to do it in the best U.S. state! :woeh:


So true! <3<3<3 

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God Jamot


Id love to join and push myself to 500 elite caskets for the opening <3

We all deserve some BIG drops:) 


I think it would be super awesome to show off a bit of what the Gladz do & stream the opening on my twitch channel!  (I would only be sharing the openers screen thru disc)

Would any of the others joining be against me sharing live?  

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Omg, its finally here!


Wishing you the best of luck!


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Lions RAWR


ooooh, this looks very interesting :) 


Time to stack some caskets :D 

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GNT Patrick


Pretty sure that's 7pm pacific, so I'll be on lil 

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