Clan Double Raid

Event created by
Lvl 100 Dorb
Event details
This event begins 07/05/2024 and repeats every week forever
Raids, The Liberation of Mazcab!
Joining Raids
You can only join the raid through clan chat in game.
Within an hour before the event, the host will broadcast in clan chat for people to ask for a raid invite.
All you need to do is type "inv" in clan chat at this time. Group invites are first come first serve.
Clan Raid Requirements
You MUST meet AT LEAST ALL BUT TWO of the requirements.
Additional exceptions will likely not be given by the Raid Leader.
First and foremost, You MUST be present in the Discord Events Voice Chat Channel, and be able to hear callouts to attend Clan Raids.
If you are learning, and you don't have a mic for asking questions, we ask you to please take a more serious incentive to prepare yourself for the battle by reading/watching the fight mechanics.
There is a section on this below the Raid Requirements.
You also might want to come into Discord early so you can ask the raid leader any questions you might have, so it doesn't take up as much time during the raid.
(in whichever style you are using)
*Using Melee is not allowed for learners.
Required: (no exceptions) 88 (to boost) or 96 with overloads
*with The Temple at Senntisten Quest completed for Tier 95+ combat curses.
with at least entry level perks on your weapons and armor.
Refer to this link for entery level perks:
Raids are widely categorized as endgame PvM. As a result, high-leveled gear is strongly recommended. A breakdown of the gear and other items required to attend clan raid events is given below.
Required: Tier 80+ weapons.
Armor (Helm/Body/Legs)
Required: Tier 80+ Power Armor.
Required: All raid participants must bring a shield. (bone shield works fine, just remember a deathwarden nexus)
Recommended: Zuk capes. These capes add large amounts of dps to every style.
Recommended: Any Tier 80+ gloves
Recommended: Any Tier 80+ Boots.
Neck Slot:
An Essence of Finality Is recommended (not required).
Since it includes the amulet of souls effect, in addition to the accuracy buff and special attack storage.
Ring slot:
Recommended: Ring of vigour switch or passive for saving adrenaline when using ultimate abilities.
Upgraded Dagannoth king rings.
*Remember that, although the Reaver's Ring is the best ring to camp when you are not using a
for ultimate abilities or special attacks, it decreases accuracy.
It will negate its own benefit when the boss isn't under the Statius War Hammer buff, as you will not be completely accurate.
In some cases nobody is able to hammer during a raid. so in these cases, you probably shouldn't wear it.
Just something to be mindful of.*
Reavers ring is BiS using necromancy.
Required: (No Exceptions if using magic or ranged) Damage boosting ultimate abilities unlocked from The World Wakes quest.
Required: Berserker or accuracy auras are required, as they greatly increase your damage output. Use Mahjarrat aura if using necromancy.
If you are a learner, you are expected to view the hidden content below for the fight mechanics.
Team Roles
Each boss fight requires several players on the raid team to take on specific roles. The roles for each fight are listed below, along with a brief description of the tasks involved with them. Some terms used may be unfamiliar to those lacking raid experience.
Beastmaster Durzag Roles
- Base Tank: The base tank is responsible for tanking Beastmaster (BM) for the majority of the fight. This involves holding the aggression of the boss to allow other members of the team to deal damage (DPS) unimpeded.
- Back-up Tank: The back-up base tank partners with the main base tank to hold the aggression of the boss. BM has an enrage mechanic that builds "stacks" on the tank over time. The damage taken by a player increases with the number of stacks the player holds. When the main base tank begins to take excessive damage, the back-up tank takes over and allows the main base tank's stacks to reset. The Back-up tank will typically do the south charger.
- Pet Tank: Throughout the fight, BM's "pets" (Cormes, Tuz, and Krar) will enter the arena at various times. Cormes, the first pet to appear, will always be killed immediately. When Tuz and Krar appear later, however, they should be kept alive until BM has taken damage equivalent to half of his total health. Typically, two pet tanks are assigned to hold the aggression of Tuz and Krar until they can be killed.
- Chargers: The BM fight occurs in two phases. When the second phase begins, Chargers will spawn in cages along each wall of the arena. Those assigned to Charger roles must open these cages (taking the aggression of the Chargers), and drag the Chargers to a corner of the arena, where they can all be killed using area of effect abilities. Typically, two team members are assigned the Charger role - one to open Charger cages on the north side of the arena, and one to open the cages on the south side.
Yakamaru Roles
- Base Tank: Similar to the base tank role in the BM fight, the Yakamaru base tank's role is to hold the aggression of the boss for the duration of the fight. Yakamaru possesses a damage stack mechanic similar to BM's, which increases the damage taken by the tank as the number of stacks he holds increases. Additionally, the base tank is responsible for holding the aggression of the Tendril Pool during the Mirage phase of the Yakamaru fight.
- North (Sand) Tank: The north tank is responsible for holding the aggression of the Sand Pool during the Mirage Phase.
- Poison Tank: When one of Yakamaru's radial pools is reduced to 100,000 health, it will eject poison onto the ground nearby. The poison tank collects this poison and delivers it to the pool before it is killed.
- Stun DPS/Stun +5: Players assigned to the stun DPS role will hold the aggression of, and kill the Stun Pool during the Mirage Phase. Typically, two players are assigned to the stun DPS role, with each taking five planks to close the pool.
- Shark +10: The shark +10 player will hold the aggression of the Shark Pool during the Mirage Phase. This player is also responsible for taking ten planks to close the pool.
- Jelly Wrangler: Some teams will assign a player to hold the aggression of the jellyfish spawned by Yakamaru during the Mirage Phase. This "jelly wrangler" utilizes various binds and stuns to keep the jellyfish away from his teammates, allowing them to fulfill their roles unimpeded.
- CPR: The CPR role is filled by one player who revives the poison tank on the beach after defeating one of Yakamaru's radial pools.
- Main Stun: One player, usually someone using an accuracy-boosting aura, is assigned to use stun abilities on the Stun Pool. This player is the only team member that should stun this pool (see Critical Fight Mechanics below).
Critical Fight Mechanics
Beastmaster Durzag
The Pre-Fight Phase
The Beastmaster Durzag fight begins with a kind of "pre-fight" phase. During this phase, players have a counter at the top of their screen that starts at 40 and counts down as players kill Airuts and Chargers. These Airuts and Chargers spawn in waves, and as you kill them, the counter at the top of the screen decreases. Once the counter reaches 22, the first pet (Cormes) will spawn on the western side of the arena with the Airut and Charger wave. At this point, the Pet Tank 1 will take the aggression of Cormes while all other players kill the Airuts that have spawned. Players should not kill the Chargers until after they've killed Cormes, as this will prevent more Airuts from spawning before Cormes is dead. Once Cormes has been killed, players will continue killing Airuts and Chargers until the counter reaches 0.
The Beastmaster Fight
Once the counter reaches 0, the true boss fight begins. Chargers will spawn in cages throughout the arena, and the North and South Chargers roles must free them and bring them to the southwest corner of the arena. Additionally, the second pet (Tuz or Krar) will spawn on the north side of the arena, and Beastmaster Durzag (BM) will enter the arena at the northeastern corner; the Pet Tank 2 and Base Tank will take their aggression immediately. The Pet Tank 2 will stand on the west side of the northern gong, ensuring that the pet is facing away from the DPS pile. The base tank will drag BM into the southeast corner of the arena. The team will be focused on damaging, but not killing, the second pet. At some point during this process, the third pet (Tuz or Krar) will enter the arena. The third pet tank should be watching for the third pet, and should move quickly to take its aggression and bring it to a safe part of the arena (one of the northern corners). Once the second pet reaches 150k health, the team will shift to damaging the third pet down to 150k health before moving to the southeast corner and attacking BM. The team will damage Beastmaster down to 750k health while pet tanks continue to hold the aggression of and deal damage to their pets. Once Beastmaster reaches 750k health, the pets should be killed. The remainder of the fight simply involves finishing Beastmaster off. It's important to note that throughout this phase of the fight, BM will periodically throw bombs across the arena, which will move towards players. Players must defuse these bombs by left-clicking on them. If these bombs are not defused in time, they will explode, each dealing 2,000 damage to nearby players. If multiple bombs go untouched, several members of the team can be killed.
Fight Overview
The Yakamaru fight takes place in an arena with five pools, pictured above. Each pool will spawn with 1,000,000 hitpoints. The fight begins at the main (middle) pool, where the team must deal 200,000 damage to Yakamaru before it will jump into one of the four radial pools. The team must then deal all 1,000,000 damage to Yakamaru in that pool before it returns to the middle pool. After another 200,000 damage is dealt to Yakamaru in the middle pool, it will jump to the next radial pool. While the first pool Yakamaru jumps to is random, it will follow a clockwise pattern afterwards; for example, if the first pool Yakamaru jumps to is the Sand pool, it will then jump to the Stun pool, Tendril pool, and Shark pool, in that order. After each pool is killed, 200,000 damage must be dealt to the middle pool to phase Yakamaru into the next radial pool.
When each radial pool reaches 100,000 hitpoints, Yakamaru will release a special poison towards a random tile on the ground nearby. The person filling the Poison Tank role must collect the poison by standing on this tile (marked by four green arrows), and deliver it to Yakamaru by standing within melee distance (MD) to the boss when the pool is killed. If the poison is not delivered successfully, the pool must be repeated. Once all radial pools have been defeated, Yakamaru will spawn in all radial pools at once with reduced hitpoints; this final phase of the fight is called the Mirage Phase. When all pools have been defeated and closed in the Mirage Phase, the fight is over. Each phase of the fight is covered in greater detail in the sections below.
Main Pool and Phasing
Yakamaru spawns in the main pool at the beginning of the fight with 1,000,000 hitpoints. Players should deal 200,000 damage to this pool as quickly as possible in order to phase Yakamaru into a radial pool; this is called 'phasing the pool.' The pool can be phased very quickly by using threshold abilities on it. Typically, ultimate abilities should be saved for radial pools.
After the first radial pool has been killed, Yakamaru will begin spawning several jellyfish each time it returns to the middle pool. When the call is made to phase the middle pool, these jellyfish should be ignored until the pool has been phased. All focus should be on dealing damage to the middle pool. Usually, before phasing Yakamaru into the Sand Pool or the Mirage Phase, the raid leader will call to kill jellyfish before phasing the pool. Always pay attention to and follow through with the raid leader's calls.
It is important to note that, when phasing Yakamaru into the Mirage Phase, only 150,000 damage must be dealt to the middle pool. The Mirage Phase begins when the middle pool reaches 50,000 hitpoints.
Tendril Pool
The Tendril Pool is the southeast-most pool in the Yakamaru arena. When Yakamaru is in this pool, it will occasionally spawn several tentacles near the player holding its aggression. These tentacles will rapidly deal 2000 damage to players near them. Players should not attack this pool until the base tank has attacked it and pulled Yakamaru's aggression. Attacking the pool before the base tank may result in tentacles spawning in the DPS pile, potentially killing members of the team. When this attack happens, the top five damage-dealing players on the team will be held in place by additional tentacles. While these tentacles do not deal any significant damage, they will prevent these players from moving, which can cause inconveniences. Players can free themselves from these tentacles by dealing damage to the pool.
Shark Pool
The Shark Pool is the southwestern pool in the Yakamaru arena. When Yakamaru is in this pool, a tornado animation will occasionally form around the boss. After several seconds of this animation, Yakamaru will scatter sharks around the arena; these sharks act as obstacles (they will block a player's movement, like a wall), and will explode after a few seconds. This special attack can be mitigated by standing in a death dot with the team on a specific tile, shown below. While standing on this tile, players should rapidly click directly beneath their character such that they do not move until all sharks have exploded. You can continue to use abilities while doing this.
Sand Pool
The Sand Pool is the northwestern pool in the Yakamaru arena. When Yakamaru is in this pool, it will occasionally trap all but two players in quicksand. The two players that are not trapped must free the rest of the team from the sand by left-clicking on them. If a player remains trapped in the quicksand for too long, they will be instantly killed. It is important that players remain calm during this phase, as panicking can result in the death of their teammates. After left-clicking on a trapped player once, a message will appear on your screen notifying you that the player was successfully pulled free. Both players may then move on to free other trapped players.
Stun Pool
The Stun Pool is the northeast-most pool in the Yakamaru arena. When Yakamaru is in this pool, it gains damage reduction over time, which is reset by using a stunning ability on the boss. However, doing so will deal between 1,000 and 5,000 damage to each player on the team, depending on how high the boss's damage reduction is when it is stunned. Using stun abilities, such as Asphyxiate or Destroy, on this pool can easily kill the entire team in two seconds. Failing this mechanic may result in refusal from future raid events. The player assigned to the Main Stun role is the only player that should use stun abilities on Yakamaru during this phase. All stun abilities are shown below. If you are still unsure which abilities will stun the pool, please ask.
Mirage Phase
The Mirage Phase begins when Yakamaru's main pool reaches 50,000 hitpoints. Yakamaru will spawn in every radial pool with 150,000 hitpoints. Each pool must be defeated, but unlike earlier in the fight, the pools must be closed. The Stun and Shark pools are closed using planks that spawn on the beach throughout the fight, while the Tendril and Sand pools are closed by filling them with sand. When pools are defeated during the Mirage Phase, a bubble will appear over them; the pools are closed by clicking on this bubble. The Stun and Shark Pools can be closed by clicking with the correct amount of planks in one's inventory (planks may be split between multiple team members). The Tendril and Sand Pools must be spam-clicked by all members of the team to be closed. Yakamaru's poison is not necessary to close pools during the Mirage Phase.
It is critical that all team members be in the correct position before Mirage starts. These positions are shown in the image above. A breakdown of each role's responsibilities during the Mirage Phase is given below.
- Stun +5/Stun +0/Jelly Wrangler: The stun plank roles will begin at the Stun pool. After DPSing the pool down, the Stun +5 roles will have only a few seconds to close the pool by clicking on it with planks in their inventories. If the pool is not closed quickly, it will respawn and must be killed again. Once the Stun Pool has successfully been closed, the Stun +5s and Stun +0 (if applicable) will proceed directly to the Shark Pool (or Tendril Pool if the Shark Pool has already been closed). It is very important that you do not attack the Sand Pool on your way to the Shark or Tendril Pool. After the Shark and Tendril Pools have both been closed, proceed to the Sand Pool with the rest of the team. The Jelly Wrangler may begin by helping the stun plank roles close the Stun Pool, then transition to wrangling.
- Shark +10/No Role: The Shark +10 role and all players with no role assigned will begin at the Shark Pool. After the Shark Pool has been defeated, all players will immediately shift their focus to the Tendril Pool. Once the Tendril Pool has been closed, all players will move north to the Sand Pool. All players should use their damage boosting ultimate abilities as Mirage starts, and position themselves such that they can attack both the Shark Pool and Tendril Pool without leaving their ultimate.
- Base Tank: The Base Tank will hold the aggression of the Tendril Pool until it has been closed. After closing the Tendril Pool, the Base Tank may take the aggression of the Sand Pool if the North Tank requires assistance.
- North Tank: The North Tank will hold the aggression of the Sand Pool until it has been closed. The North Tank can also help DPS the Stun Pool down at the beginning of the phase.
Once all radial pools have been closed, Yakamaru will spawn in the main pool with 50,000 hitpoints. After the middle pool has been defeated for a final time, the fight is complete.
Other Special Attacks
During the entirety of the fight, regardless of phase, Yakamaru will use two special attacks: the 'Blue' special, and the jellyfish special. The blue special turns a random member of the team blue. This player will begin taking damage if the blue is not quickly 'passed' to another player. Blue is passed by standing directly next to another player on the team who has not already held it. For this reason, the team should try to stay in a clump throughout the entire fight, with all players standing next to each other.
The jellyfish special involves Yakamaru spawning a jellyfish near the team. The jellyfish has 50,000 hitpoints, and will deal heavy melee damage to players if they are standing too close. When one of these jellyfish spawns, it is always the priority target, unless otherwise stated by the raid leader. When the jellyfish spawns, several geysers will spawn on the ground near it. Standing on a geyser will deal moderate damage to a player, but will also deal 10,000 damage to the jellyfish. Additionally, players can heal the damage dealt by the geyser by using the Resonance ability. Attacking the jellyfish before getting on a geyser will prevent Yakamaru from sniping your Resonance.
Feel free to ask your raid host for anything you might need on discord/in game and they will try to help as best they can!
Watch this video if you learn better with videos.