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With the new Evolution of Combat update, Nex is really really easy now; however, you'll need to have good quality armor and weapons in all sides of the combat triangle (tribridding)

Arguably, overloads don't make a ton of difference [unless you're healing with brews, which should really only be the case when brew drops are obtained], but they're still really nice. Personally, I don't mind people with extremes tagging along, but it's going to be a hindrance to their inventory. Additionally, a yak makes a very large difference in staying power.

You will, however, absolutely need a Frozen Key and set of Ancient Ceremonial robes, and the following equipment:


Virtus/Gano (helm, top, bottom, can also do boots and gloves if no spellcaster/ragefire respectfully)

Arcane stream/Sara hiss


Seers/Onyx (i) ring

Master or Virtus wand

Also bring a staff (eg: ABS/Chaotic)

A Chaotic Maul and Melee plate/legs

Royal Crossbow/Dual CCB (onyx bolts)/Zaryte Bow

Aura is up to you

Familiar Tort/Yak/Uni or Steel titan

Overloads/Prayer/Antipoison++ (Antipoison optional)

Rocktails [also fill your beast of burden with rocktails]

Air runes

Dreadnips are also optional, but don't really get used that often and don't really help that much


Getting there

**Don't bring your gear when going there, there's a bank right before nex's room**

Getting there is pretty basic - head to godwars, climb down the rope and run(walk) directly south and go through the door

You'll want to have, in your inventory, your Frozen Key [and possibly something like an imp box to bank your frozen key should you die before reaching the bank], a full set of ancient ceremonial robes, and some food. My picture below isn't the ideal setup, that was me running back to bless Matt's 6 minute grave after our world crashed :laugh:

You'll be passing by followers of zamorak, saradomin, and armadyl, so feel free to bring something to protect you from their attacks (main threat is saradomin)


Once you go through the door, head down the hole [find a rope on the skeleton in the corner if its your first time], and you'll enter a safe room without monsters


When you're ready (usually a good idea to rest up first), throw on a prayer to deflect magic (or range if you're strong against magic) and run to the south-east door; once you're there, put on your ancient ceremonial robes and enter the door to the banking area.

Once in the bank, gear up, do a bonfire, heal and overload, then go in with the rest of your team.

The Fight

Phase one (smoke):

Pray magic, use air surge, stand where everyone else is standing (foot of the stairs), Occasionally she'll yell "There is ... NO ESCAPE", and when she does, you run to any location that's not on the bridge, otherwise there's a 25% chance you'll be hit for a bunch of damage and stunned. It's typical to use your staff here over a wand/shield, since damage taken is low compared to other phases. When she's taken enough damage, she'll yell out for the smoke mage (Fumas) to not fail her, it's in the north-west corner and can now be killed with range. Once Fumas is killed, she moves onto the second phase.

Second phase (shadow):

Pray range, use air surge, dont stand on top of each other. If the spot below you becomes a shadow, move your ass to another square or get hit for 1800+; when the minion is called (Umbra, North-east corner), kill it with range.

Third phase (blood):

Pray magic, equip your Melee gear and go to town with your action bar. When she 'demands a blood sacrifice' someone (in teamspeak) will begin counting up to 5 -- when they hit 5, she'll call a siphon, which you absolutely don't want to attack her, because we'll get mad at you (it will heal her). Avoid damage-over-time effects and dreadnips here, since they also run the risk of healing her. When the minion is called (Cruor, South-East), kill it with range [and get back into your robes]

Fourth phase (Ice):

Pray magic, use air surge, pretty basic phase tbh. If the person next to you gets 'imprisoned in ice,' you should click on the bars of ice that appear around them until they're freed; if you are the person imprisoned, you'll want to eat up in case your teammates don't free you in time. Try not to stand right next to her. The use of a staff can be deployed here as well for a faster kill. When the minion is called (Glacies, South-West corner), kill it with range.

Final phase (Zaros): Very unspectacular, kill her with air surge. When she dies, she lets off a wrath effect, so I guess don't be standing right next to her when that happens [but you're mageing, so why would you be]. Enjoy the lootations that follow.

Action Bar

These recommendations are assuming you're not the tank, a tank's action bar looks differently (and they generally don't need a guide)

Feel free to personalize your own, however, to whatever you want it to be. These are just what I use.

Primarily you'll be using Magic during the fight, so I've designated my first three keys to magic, 2 basics and 1 threshold/ultimate

For basics I use Wrack and Combust, for the third I use omnipower [since there's a damage cap of 3000, and omnipower hits two times, thus evading that cap]

I pretty much just hit "121212121212121212..." when fighting with magic until I have enough adrenaline to do something, or I need to kill a minion

For killing minions, you'll need range, and thus, range abilities are useful also

My setup (Zaryte bow) is:

Piercing Shot (basic), Fragmentation shot (basic), Snap shot (50% threshold), and I typically use piercing shot in between fragmentation and snap shot (eg: 5,6,5,7,5,5,6,5,7,5,5,...)

For the blood phase, it's typical to use a chaotic maul, and thus we'll want a few melee abilities as well [since this phase can really suck if you mess it up or take too long]. I use:

Slice (basic), Cleave (basic), Smash (basic), Pulverize (ultimate)

Sever is another good one, but I didn't have the room to put it in. Pulverize I like because it reduces Nex's damage output for 20 seconds after it hits (thus reducing the amount her blood blitz hits for, thus reducing the amount she heals off her blood blitz).

And in general, healing abilities are quite useful, so we'll want some of those too....

Regeneration [for when the kill is over, to use up excess adrenaline], and my personal favorite, rejuvenate.

Rejuvenate requires 100% adrenaline and a shield equipped, but it heals 40% of your life points. I end up using it 2-3 times a kill. That's a lot of saved food = longer trips. Would definitely recommend.

So yeah, that's pretty much it, let me know if you have any suggestions or questions

from the's Overvoltage


also did my first trip today



Edited by FreeBall In
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was my first time at nex. soo that might be why i sucked;P

yea man i bet i suck too but i havent done it yet and hopefully will soonish, but we'll get better and them hopefully start doing our own trips

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