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Corporal Beast EOC

Grave Wizard

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How to get there:


Games necklace teleport 

Tank setup/guide: 


Death Lotus







Gear: Death Lotus>Karils>Pernix>Armadyl 

Shield: Elysian>Eagle Eye Shield 

Weapon: Chaotic crossbow>Armadyl crossbow>Rune crossbow (best bolts for the bow used possible) 

Inventory:2 overloads,2 prayer renewals, 4-8 prayer potion/flask, penance aura/vampyrism, rocktails, games necklace, teleport tablet 

Abilities: Set up a basis of your standard range abilities leaving room for resonance, barricade, reflect and debilitate. 

Tactics: Make sure that you are the first person in the room with protect from mage on and Incite. When entering stay past 5 squares away from the Corporal beast to ensure the magic splash damage doesn't hit off of you and damage team mates. Walk in a back and forth line side to side not moving closer to the corp while using ablities to protect yourself and slightly damage. Make sure you do not use abilities that cause you to stand in 1 spot for too long in case the core leaps towards you and drains you of your health. When side walking and using defensive abilities this should cause most damage to be avoided on the splash magic and give your team a good opportunity to kill the Corporal beast in a short time frame. 


Gear: Torva>Bandos>Tetsu>Barrows 

Weapon: Zamorakian spear>Dual drygores 

Inventory: 2 overload, 2 prayer renewal (optional but in my personal opinion their useless), 5 prayer potion/flask or 5 Super Restore flasks, games necklace, rocktails, (if you dont have overloads best stat boosting potions), vampyrism/penance aura, teleport tablet 

Tactic: Spam abilities while avoiding the core. Do not stand under neath the Corporal beast for any reason. Use berserk when ability bar is full to maximize total damage output. Do not stand on the side of the corp that the tank is walking. 

Rewards: tons of decent noted loot/stackable loot, Charms, food, and the very rare spirit sigils which are best looted in Coin share since the price is much higher than street.





Haven't added all the pictures yet

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