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Jaynal's Beastmaster Durzag DPS Guide


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- Beastmaster Durzag DPS Guide -


Beastmaster Durzag is one of the newer, higher level bosses, added in 2015. I hope reading this guide can help you learn how to kill this boss effectively :)


Minimum skill requirements:

  • 95+ Ranged or 95+ Magic
  • 95+ Defense
  • 95+ Prayer, curses unlocked
  • 68+ Summoning
  • 96+ Herblore (or access to overloads)


Getting there:

Talk to the Astromancer Apprentice, found near the Burthorpe, Lumbridge, Varrock and Prifddinas lodestones.56998c1132d10_BMGuidegettingthere.png.a5

Being teleported by the Astromancer Apprentice will take you to the world window - Go through this, and you will arrive on the wasteland of Mazcab. Proceed forward to reach the raids area.

Gear Guide:



(Note: If you don't feel confident about staying alive, bring a sign of life. Less DPS is better than no DPS at all!)
(Note: If you want to use mage, replace any ranged items/armour with their mage counterparts. e.g replace Armadyl with Subjugation)

Inventory Setup:

Inventory Explanation:

Holy Overload both boosts stats (which is vital for BM) and lowers your prayer drain. Prayer is important in a BM kill!
Saradomin Brew (6) is for use in emergencies - If you're very close to dying, a sip of brew paired with a Rocktail can save you.
Super Restore (6) - Prayer is important in a BM kill!
Shields can be used to retain adrenaline as well as for defensive abilities which can potentially save you in a kill.
Food is obviously important - You can replace the Rocktails with sharks if you want.
Enhanced Excalibur is good because it grants a free 40% heal every 5 minutes without losing any adrenaline. Adrenaline loss = DPS loss!
Ring of Vigour retains 10% adrenaline after an ultimate, which you will use often in BM kills.
Dreadnips are very important to reach success in your BM kill. Deploy them as often as possible on the pets and BM himself, to help the tanks cope with the high damage being  dealt to them.

Weapon Poison also helps the tanks.


DPS - Deal damage to all opponents in the arena
PT 1/3 - Tank damage dealt from Cormes and the 2nd pet spawned in the arena
PT 2 - Tank damage dealt from the 1st pet spawned in the arena
MT - Tank damage dealt from Beastmaster Durzag
BU - Tank damage dealt from Beastmaster Durzag while the MT's abilities are on cooldown

The Fight:

Killing Beastmaster Durzag involves 3 phases - the Airut phase, the pets phase, and the dps phase.

Phase 1 - Airut Phase
Once all 10 players are in the arena and the Goebie in the center has been activated, the fight begins. Immediatly after the Goebie says 'Thank you, thank you so much!', activate your Aura, drink your Overload, PRAY
RANGED and anguish / torment. 

Airuts will begin spawning from the North, South, East, and West doors. These Airuts are much more powerful than the ones found in Geilinor, and shouldn't be underestimated! 
Chargers will also begin spawning. These are a weaker, smaller type of airut. They attack with melee, and have a maximum hit of around 2k. Once you first tag them, they stun you, so be careful.

Work through the airuts with the other DPS, being careful not to die. Eat up if your health falls below 4000. If a melee-based airut begins smacking you, switch to your Melee prayer, but as soon as he dies, switch back to Ranged.

After about 20 airuts have been killed, the first pet, Cormes, will spawn. PT 1/3 will use provoke on Cormes, and face him away from the DPS, so he takes all damage. He should be easy to kill, and won't cause any problems. Deploy dreadnips and use Death's Swiftness to speed up the kill.

After Cormes dies, continue to work through the airuts until the counter at the top hits 0. At this point, the first pet, and BM will spawn! Congratulations, you're 1/3 of the way to your first BM kill!

Phase 2 - Pet Phase


The first of 2 pets, and Beastmaster Durzag will spawn. The MT will voke Beastmaster Durzag and take him to the South-east corner of the arena. The PT 2 will voke the pet that spawns, and take him to the North-west corner of the arena.

DPS should click the cages dotted around the arena to free the Chargers, and take them to the south-west corner of the arena. Here, they can be quickly and efficiently dealt with using AOE abilities like Bombardment and Corruption Shot.

After the Chargers have been dealt with, all DPS should be attacking the first pet that spawns. Deploy dreadnips and use Death's Swiftness until the pet is at around 200,000 lifepoints.

Once the first pet reaches 200,000HP, start attacking the 2nd pet, which by this time the
PT 1/3 will have voked and lured to the North-east corner of the arena. Repeat the process, deploying dreadnips and using death's swiftness to deal DPS until the pet is on 200,000 life points.

Once both pets are at 200,000 or less lifepoints, all
DPS should attack Beastmaster Durzag until he hits 750k lifepoints. Dreadnips are vital to use here to help the MT cope with damage.

It is rare, but possible, for BM to bring you close to him and smack you for high melee damage. If this does happen, pray Melee and use the Escape or Surge ability. If you try running, he will trample you and deal very high damage, in most cases resulting in death. 

Once BM has hit 750k lifepoints, finish off the pets, and then go back to attacking BM.

Phase 3 - DPS phase

From 750k lifepoints, BM will turn enraged, dealing more damage and using more abilities. The
MT and BU should be sharing damage from BM from here.

You should continue to deploy dreadnips, use weapon poison and deal lots of damage, but watch out for the following;


Bombs - BM can spawn lots of little pig bomb things, which will hit 2,000 per bomb alive on the map. Make sure you spam click the bombs to defuse them, as it's possible to fail to defuse a bomb. 
Chargers - BM can spawn loads of chargers, and you shouldn't worry about them unless they get on the tank, then you should voke them off.

Once BM hits 0 lifepoints - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GOT YOUR FIRST BM KILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Loot can average from 1-2m per kill. You can get the Codex drop, which is (at the time of writing) 28m. You can also get t90 tank armour drops from this boss, based on what style you used.

If you died during the kill but managed to deal damage to BM, and your team still got the kill, you can get loot by right clicking the fetcher located outside of the arena near the bank and click 'Fetch Loot'.



I hope this guide helped you! Thanks for reading Jaynal's BM DPS Guide!


Edited by Jaynal
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Pretty extensive guide but you should make sure to mention that whenever you are attacking BM you should be praying melee as the minions can jump into the dps pile and K0 people or he can do that special attack you mentioned where he drags you in.


Also t80 weapons and t70 powerarmor will not get you on any teams unless you already know some people. In general a t90 weapon with void/ports armor/ t90 power armor is the bare minimum people will accept.

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Thanks Jay.  Hopefully this will help people to not be so afraid of the raids.  They really aren't that difficult if you understand mechanics.

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Thanks for the guide! I hope to get up to speed with bossing this year.


2 hours ago, Dan G said:

Can't read any of it.

The pain of white forums skins. I feel you, bro. 

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