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Dungeoneering 101


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Hi there and welcome to my basic DG guide to help beginners get a firm grasp on this skill.

Most think this as a useless skill and dislike it immediately. I've come to the conclusion through getting 200m and chatting with others that most just don't understand the skill and how to effectively and efficiently train it. Well i'm here to help with that! 

First off we'll start with some basic terms that Dg'ers use on a floor to floor basis. 


Gt = Group tele or the gatestone. Depending ont he situation you're in.
Gate/Gs1/Gs2= Personal gatestone 1 and 2 respectively with the release of the Daemonheim task set it is now possible to havea  second gatestone. 
N, E, S, W = North, East, South, West respectively.
Bon/Bonus = Bonus path. not needed to discover boss and is usually indicated by resources in the room or xp on a skill door.
Crit = Critical path - this is the path that leads to boss and is also indicated by resources in the room and or xp on a skill door.
Cover = Covering someone's gated door or path. not used much except in pro teams that use voice communications.
Mgt = Move gt(to your gated area)
Cgt = Carry gt(as you path)
Bgt = Buy gt(so you can move or carry gt)
Sgt = Sell gt(so you can Mgt)
Gd = Guardian door
Fg = Free gate
De, Dewk, Denk = Dead end, Dead end with key, Dead end no key.


Identifying Path Sizes:

The main thing about pathing is prioritization.
You must have looked at your map so you can open larger paths while holding the ggs, and open smaller paths if alone. 
What this is saying is; if you are clearing a small gd and there is a skill door 1n of you that looks to be a larger path, finish the gd first before stretching your gate.
You should also carry gate throught the largest path and cleanup rooms with your gate prioritizing small paths.


Crit - Critical path is the path that leads directly to boss and is normally 19-23 rooms. All crit skill doors will range from the highest level on the team to 9 levels under that. For example a Crit Herb door will be 90-99 resulting in 465-505 xp gained. this is if you are flooring with a maxed person.

The Gt should generally be on crit early map, but as map progresses it doesn't have to stay particularly on crit. NEVER have gt at a De Gd even if it is crit. It is foolish to have this happen. Crit doesnt have to be the largest path either. It also generally has the most key doors as it must 'lock' itself out from being a gd>puzzle>gd>puzzle etc.
One thing to keep in mind is the path that Bonus takes. The more it turns or winds away from crit or Ht(home tele) the sooner it will probably die.



Throughout your floor you will encounter puzzle rooms. These are fairly simple and take some time to familiarize yourself before they become second nature to opening.
Puzzles include; 
Coloured Ferrets
10 Statue Weapon
3 Statue Weapon
8 Piece Sliding Puzzle
Blood Fountin
Coloured Blocks
Coloured Lodestones

And many more!


When doing the statue puzzle rooms always remember the combat triangle! 
Melee > Range > Magic
For example if a statue has a bow, you should make a sword for the opposing statue as Melee > Range. 
With just a little thought you too can master these puzzle rooms.

In Conclusion here is a much larger list of important abbreviations to get familiar with :)


Colors of Keys:
Go - Gold
Gr - Green
O - Orange
B - Blue
S - Silver
C - Crimson
Y - Yellow
P - Purple


Shapes of Keys:
Co - Corner
Cr - Crescent
D - Diamond
P - Pentagon
T - Triangle
R - Rectangle
S - Shield
We (or sometimes W) - Wedge



In order to communicate quickly and effectively key types and colors have been standardized into combining them. Take the first letter of the key and the color to figure this out.
For example we have a Blue Corner key, its abbreviation would be Bco
another Crimson Crescent, Ccr or Crcr some people abbreviate it as.


Important abbreviations:
Gd - Guardian door
Gt/ggs - Group tele / group gatestone
Gate/G8 = Gate, i.e. drop your personal gatestone at the blue corner door = G8 bco
Hgt[boss, keycombo, room name, player] - Hold the group gatestone until the path you are on denks or the keyer tells you to bring it to your gate.
Dgt - Drop gt: rarely used, not recommended
Mgtb - Move gt boss
Gtb - Group gatestone for boss
Gte - Group tele end
Gdm - Gd mark
Gtl - Group teleport lever room
Ht - Home teleport (Base)
Fork = A fork in the path, if you're idle and/or free gate you should gt to help explore
Bgt - Buy gt, drop the fkn ggs so i can pick it up
Gk[Key] - Got key i.e Blue Rectangle
Room name > [insert room] - This phrase is used to let others know what is after a room. I.e. Gd > Dd (Guardian door to a regular door)
Fg - Free gate
Nfg - Not free gate
Wyg - What's your gate?
Gto - Group tele and open, this response is usually said to the keyer to open a key door. Otherwise "Gto -keyname-" or "Gto -RSN-"
Rq - Ragequit


Hex/hhb - Hexhunter bow
Ccs - Celestial catalytic staff
Pba/baxe - Primal battleaxe
Ssb - Sagittarian Shortbow
oh - off-hand
mh - main-hand


Floor types:
DG/FL = All themes 
Fro = Frozen floor (f1-11)
Ab1 = Abandoned 1 floor (f12-f17)
Furn = Furnished floor (f18-f29)
Frafu = Any floor (f1-30)
Locc = low occult floor (f36-41)
Necro/NF = Necrolord floor (f39-41)
Flesh/FF = Fleshspoiler floor (f42-44)
Hocc = high occult floor (f45-47)
TF = Thunderous floor (f45-47)
Abnd = abandoned 2 floor (f30-35)
Banana = abandoned 2 floor (f30-35)
Low warped = warped floor (f48-56)
High warped = warped floor (f57-60)



Any questions my PM is on. Feedback is always welcomed. 


I also recommend using DGS(dungeonsweeper) as it will speed up your floors considerably. Keeping track of your teammates locations is made easier as it screenshots your Dg Map upon opening and pastes it into the corner of your screen allowing you to see much easier. :)


You can find the link to Download here. --> DungeonSweeper







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Need to add images eventually for better representations :P I'll do that when i have time this week!




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