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I made a spreadsheet for firemaking logs. Very simple, but I know a lot of people like to burn logs, I see people doing that at the Max guild all the time, I heard Sas say he was burning maple logs last week. Might as well equip yourself with some knowledge.


The two best methods of training firemaking are not on the spreadsheet. They are Book of Char followed by jadinko lair curly roots with Superheat Form. Book of Char is a daily, is a fairly sweaty method, but results in a couple hundred thousand experience in just a few minutes. Jadinko lair can be grinded, and gives something like 700k firemaking XP/hr and 100k woodcutting xp/hr, don't quote me on those numbers. These are absolutely the preferred methods for training the skill. Doing any other method would purely be for stubbornness, laziness, pet chance, or using brawling gloves.




This spreadsheet once again features "efficiency rating". Enter your time value in cell B1, it understands lowercase "k" as thousands and lowercase "m" as millions, so "10m" is the same as typing out 10000000. The lower the "efficiency" number is, the more efficient it is. This is color-coordinated, green is the best, yellow medium, red bad, I did the colors for each method separately (so it doesn't look like bonfire is just bad all the time, you're free to choose to bonfire).


Using a yak gives you 58 logs per bank rather than 28, so it slightly increases your XP rate, assuming you remember to withdraw from it. Using a reborn phoenix lets you burn double logs 5% of the time, which is more significant than the yak (assuming not using yak for Pyromaniac perk method explained later) - the pouch is untradable, but the tertiary ingredient is tradable. Choose whether you are using one of these familiars in cell B2.


Prices of the logs are in cells B5-B8, go ahead and edit prices as you wish.


The first method is the permanent bonfire in Prifddinas center or Max guild. These bonfires save your logs 5% of the time (correct me if I'm wrong, I don't see this posted anywhere and this is what I got from a medium sample size) and act as a "log bonfire" with the 5 person boost. The second method is portable braziers. These save your logs 10% of the time, act as a "log bonfire" with the 5 person boost, and further boost the experience by 10%. The third method is line firemaking, with zero time for banking. This might be really shitty in RS3 due to high level fires lasting a long time before turning to ashes, but because of how mobile you can be while line firemaking, it should never be an issue. The fourth and final method is line firemaking with a forge regent or pyrelord familiar. This is similar to line firemaking, except that in between lighting fires, you use a log on your familiar and it will burn a log in 1.2 seconds, meaning you can burn 2 logs per 3.6 seconds rather than 1 log per 2.4 seconds. This used to be fairly popular years ago, however, there are two big things to note. First, once again, high level fires last a long time before turning to ash. Secondly, the pathing system in RuneScape changed. Rather than walking nicely along with you, like in this video, your familiar will stay still unless you move more than 1 square away from it, in which case it will run to be 1 square west, 1 square east, or 1 square south of you. As far as I can tell, it is still possible to do, it just means you have to be a lot more mobile and find a pattern and rhythm to it - probably the sweatiest training method in the game if you're able to do it.


I don't include any form of bonus experience, not even Flame gloves + Ring of fire. This only affects the xp/hr and gp/xp. It has no impact on gp/hr or the relative efficiency of the methods. If you want to calculate out what xp/hr or gp/xp you're getting with bonuses, multiply the xp/hr by your bonus (179,270 * 1.05 = 188,233, for example) or divide the gp/xp by your bonus (10.43 / 1.05 = 9.93, for example). You're almost certainly going to wear the Flame gloves + Ring of fire for 5% bonus, you could get 3/6% from avatar, 2-10% from pulse cores, 300% from brawling gloves in deep wilderness, and all that.


Furthermore on not adding any form of bonus experience, I didn't calculate in the new perks, because these effectively fall under the category of bonus experience. Tinker gives you 1.25% extra experience per rank (max rank 3). Pyromaniac gives you 1.4% extra experience per rank (max rank 5) if used regularly, it can give up to 2.8% per rank if you use a yak, withdraw after using one log until your yak runs out and then you bank (with 27 logs still in inventory). It gives 2.124% experience per rank if you use a yak, withdraw after using one log until your yak runs out and then you keep burning until your inventory is empty. Rapid actually does affect your gp/hr and efficiency rating, but regardless it's not on the spreadsheet - it increases the rate at which you burn logs by 0.83% per rank (max rank 3). It is theoretically possible to get Pyromaniac 5 + Rapid 2 with 3light2explosive, 4light1explosive, 5light, or 2light2explosive1shifting, though it is much more likely you'd end up with Pyromaniac 3 + Rapid 2 which is worthless. Pyromaniac 4 + Rapid 2 would be slightly better than Pyromanic 5 if all you're doing is AFKing, without the withdraw method, otherwise Pyromaniac 5 is better, and obviously Pyromaniac 5 + Rapid 1 or 2 would be good but very difficult to get. Tinker 3 should be the other gizmo.



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just to add some tid bits on this, im not sure whether or not its worth but figured id mention anyway.

  • Keeping a BoB full of logs while fming and constantly "taking from BoB" to  dump your invy when pyro procs. -when BoB is empty bank and refill (you'd still have a full invy)
  • Superheat forme can give bernie.
  • Pyro proc gives higher pet chances due to large xp drops.


I'll link these too because i did this for awhile myself.

I'd like to re-iterate that both these are full attention-sweatmode rates




Edited by Deathcon4111
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Whats your opinion on using the invention tinderbox or crystal tinderbox for your perks. Thinking of afking some firemaking at the end of dxp/tailoff. If I do ill make a few ahead of time

Edited by Saotama
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6 minutes ago, Saotama said:

Whats your opinion on using the invention tinderbox or crystal tinderbox for your perks. Thinking of afking some firemaking at the end of dxp/tailoff. If I do ill make a few ahead of time

They have the same charge drain rate, and the only thing crystal tinderbox does differently is that you have 5x the chance of getting fire spirits. I'm not sure if fire spirits are worth it to click, but certainly if your goal is solely to firemake and you don't click on them, there would be no difference.


For actual cost, pyro-matic takes 6 ethereal and 4 imbued components, in addition to the common components. 4 imbued is 248k alone, 6 ethereal could be 480k-720k. Compared to crystal toolbox which is a crystal tool seed (under 300k) and 1.5k gp to convert the seed into the tinderbox, plus an augmentor - an augmentor costs a few hundred k, though you're much more likely to have a stockpile of these components already and thus not have to buy them. Based on that, I think the crystal tinderbox would always be cheaper, even if you're looking to disassemble instead of siphon.

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7 minutes ago, Veggie said:

They have the same charge drain rate, and the only thing crystal tinderbox does differently is that you have 5x the chance of getting fire spirits. I'm not sure if fire spirits are worth it to click, but certainly if your goal is solely to firemake and you don't click on them, there would be no difference.


For actual cost, pyro-matic takes 6 ethereal and 4 imbued components, in addition to the common components. 4 imbued is 248k alone, 6 ethereal could be 480k-720k. Compared to crystal toolbox which is a crystal tool seed (under 300k) and 1.5k gp to convert the seed into the tinderbox, plus an augmentor - an augmentor costs a few hundred k, though you're much more likely to have a stockpile of these components already and thus not have to buy them. Based on that, I think the crystal tinderbox would always be cheaper, even if you're looking to disassemble instead of siphon.

Also you can just DA crystal at 10 to save crystal parts to make siphons and sell. i think someone did a video on the comparison..lemme go dig it up.







Edited by Deathcon4111
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Just now, Beric said:

So this is why you were firemaking yesterday. :reporter:

No, I did this because I was firemaking. I was firemaking because I wanted something AFK to do and I don't want to disassemble on Veggie anymore, I cleared out my precious, dextrous, simple parts, and junk. And if I'm going to do something, I might as well make sure I'm doing it right.

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4 minutes ago, Drake said:

@Veggie tldr; make line fires with Magic logs for best xp?

Yes, line fires are still better xp/hr than bonfires, portable braziers are (obviously) better than Max guild bonfire, and elder logs are more efficient than you might expect.

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1 hour ago, Deathcon4111 said:

Also you can just DA crystal at 10 to save crystal parts to make siphons and sell. i think someone did a video on the comparison..lemme go dig it up.



That was part of my thinking. Saw something on the reddit that said to DA all crystal tools except for hatchet and pickaxe so you can get the crystal parts for the siphons

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26 minutes ago, John Kleppe said:

Is the bonfire in priff close enough to use bank Stander's?

Nope, and neither is the bonfire in the Max guild. Has to be a square where you get the bank healing effect. All the more reason to go leech some portable braziers!

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8 hours ago, Rafi said:

I assume with brawlers the best method would still be portable brazier with elder logs @ mage bank? Mage logs if you run out of money?

Protean logs significantly better than elder logs, but yeah. I wouldn't use magic logs with brawlers, just wait until you have more money.

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