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Obligatory "What are you doing for DXP" Topic!


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I'd love to see what other people plan to do. I plan to hit 120 herblore (finally) and check off one of the few remaining 120s I need for comp!



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Got a few elder overload salves to make and some beans to spend. And the rest of it will probably be dungeoneering. ^_^



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In think I'll be a bit away from the game cause of the new baby. If I log on, it will likely be for Discord karaoke, if it's gonna happen at all.


But hypothetically speaking, id be doing Slayer or Herb working on those 120's. Unfortunately that all is likely going to have to wait... But for very good reasons! :jaymonkey9ra:

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2 hours ago, Kristi said:

I'm just gonna wing it lol

Lol pretty much the same for me. xD 


I'm going to probably train some Archaeology if I have some time. :3 

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I haven't actually prepped anything, but my usual is:


Tree Runs for farming

Mix a few hundred potions + 4x herby Werby trips. Don't have any secondaries left and haven't prepped anything so this'll be expensive. 

If I have extra playtime I'll do a few slayer tasks.

If I have extra AFK time I'll dig. 


Basically continuing to chip away at all the 120s with a focus on herb and farm since I enjoy them significantly less than slay and arch. Invention will happen easy peasy with arch and slay so no worries there. 


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29 minutes ago, warb a tron said:

IS it worth throwing some feathers into your agility boots just to have ticking away while doing other things?

As someone who has now ticked from 91-96 with only 20-30 runs at Anachronia, yes. It's let me focus on other skills while not feeling like I'm locked in to any one thing. 

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Making more elder salves/adren renewals to restock whats left of them (200 ovls/renewals)

Other than that not too sure maybe some anachronia agility during the 1hr buff.


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