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If you remember, what is one thing you wish you knew sooner when you started playing?


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As some of you know I am brand new to Runescape.I saw it on steam and decided to try it out I know nothing about the game except what my mentors and clan have help me with. That being said I feel like there is so much that I just don't know and because I am new to the game (what a learning curve),I am at a place where I don't even know what I don't know. So please share whatever insights you might have and please don't tell me to watch youtube videos as I've already watched over 100! Watching youtube videos about a game you don't even have a basic understanding of is not useful lol. I was more confused about things after I watched some of the videos than I was before.


Anyhow any advice that if you would please explain it like you are introducing Runescape to an 8 yr old would be appreciated. Thank you all in advance.

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Having come back from a 7 year hiatus, I learned that it’s okay to not know everything because there is so much I don’t know about the game.  I just grind away on skills, then learn how to do key parts that interest me.  For now that’s archaeology.  I learn one piece at a time and go.  

i think if you’re doing the quests you’re way ahead than everyone else.  I’m just glad you like the game :)


Also, invention is so worth it.  

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If you ever acquire a Party Hat, HOLD ON TO IT FOR DEAR LIFE!  :hahaha:


But if anything, especially in the early stages of the game, you gotta do what you enjoy. This is more of an exploratory process. I encourage a sense of wanderlust, moving about all parts of the game and discovering things as you come upon them. Quests are always fun in this way. In the early days when I started Runescape, we didn't have a fancy quest log like we have now, and descriptors as to where they started. Instead, you just explored and ran into people who asked for help. That was always a fun thing to me as it helps me feel like I was really participating and interacting in this fantasy world.


 Also, try dabbling in variant skills and learn about how they function and operate. After you have done a few, consider going a bit further with one you enjoyed. When you are finished with that or if the enthusiasm wanes, try dabbling in another. 


Take it in steps, and make each step an enjoyable experience. Do not rush yourself, as this could easily put a bad taste in your mouth and drain your motivation to game.


Also, continue to engage with your clannies in-game. There's no need to essentially do all this alone (apart from questing, but even so, you can reach out to clannie while you are doing it).  Tap a clannie on the shoulder and ask them if they'd like to join you for some skilling or monster killing. It's fun to always do things with friends, i feel.


Hope that kind-of answers the question. :) 

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@Fedal Can attest to this. There's a lot of things I wish I knew early on; but one of the biggest things I wish I knew was that the Master Archeologist outfit can teleport you to the different collectors. I found out about this at about 115-116 archeology AFTER I had run from the Falador Lode stone to the goblin village 150+ times turning sets in.

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1 hour ago, Afternine said:

I wish I knew was that the Master Archeologist outfit can teleport you to the different collectors. I found out about this at about 115-116 archeology AFTER I had run from the Falador Lode stone to the goblin village 150+ times turning sets in.

:o Seriously!?

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That Gladz existed. Honestly, I think the folk here have been the number one reason that I've managed to pick things to focus on rather than getting confused by the large amount of choice available.

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