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What are your new year's resolutions going to be?


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Sup, it's ya boy Chewy. I won biggest drunk back in 2013 for the popularity poll.  Okay, now you remember me. What is your new year's resolution going to be, why, and why not have one?



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Same as last year: Keep making efforts with my projects. Primarily my book trilogy (which is the one I've progressed and focused on the most), a computer game and NFT art galleries. Though the NFT art is basically part of the computer game, as it involves practicing and experimenting with art style/design for the game and I just figured, why not combo and try to sell as NFTs as well? Also to lose more weight, which is the resolution I'm far behind on, but I've been making some progress with my fattyness in the past couple of months.


Additionally this year I'll also add: Stop sucking at the stock market. It went so well in the first half of the year and then since August it's been a disaster.

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Going to the gym more often and eating healthier. Already kind of been doing that though, but it can always be better.

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