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The Gladiatorz Vs Killjoy


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Killjoy came to me a few days ago asking for a rematch, having lost to us in our last PKRI. Eager to prove themselves they arranged a fight with the following terms:

All Styles 60 minute PKRI

No Sniping

DG on

Corrupt On

Spiders to East tree

Gladz starting options: ~80

Killjoy: I was told around 20 people

The fight started with some confusion, mostly due to a lack of communication between the two of us. We were sitting at mossies waiting to figure out who was attacking/defending and they were sitting up at west tree just chilling. The fight started off with several quick KO's due to our variety of styles and great binds. The corrupt items definitely made a difference for both clans, both in positive and negative ways, but it was fun to actually have a fight with it on. Throughout the majority of the fight Gladz dominated, until the end when Killjoy camped spiders, picking off our members as they returned making it hard for us to keep up on binds as time progressed. One member died 9 times while trying to return in the last 10 minutes, so well played KJ. Lol.

The fight ended with close options, but we came on top with slightly more.

Killjoy: http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/194/killjoy.png

24 people, 3 of whom are not on either memberlist for KJ = 63 options

Gladz: http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/3429/gladzending.png

27 people ending, minus African who is clearly not Gladz. = 78 options

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Thank you for the fight Killjoy.

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