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Invention - no longer a skill


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I'd have enjoyed another skill. It certainly sounded like it had enough depth to stand as one. Even if it were to be specifically targeted towards high levels. Perhaps only unlockable after achieving a max cape? Complete with a questline that let you explore the creation of the first max cape (Dahmaroc would be my choice as original creator). 

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yea i just kinda realized how invention makes no sense as a skill.


you need to train a skill to make your other skills of the same level be better??? stoopid.


so cool i guess.

Edited by Tattles
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The relationship between Invention and Divination hasn’t changed. Divination still produces the raw material (Divination energy) that Invention will use in large quantities. Invention simply won’t be doing this as a skill. We’re expecting Invention items to be top-end and hugely desirable, so you can be sure that your Divination energy will have a great deal of use.


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The relationship between Invention and Divination hasn’t changed. Divination still produces the raw material (Divination energy) that Invention will use in large quantities. Invention simply won’t be doing this as a skill. We’re expecting Invention items to be top-end and hugely desirable, so you can be sure that your Divination energy will have a great deal of use.

Better stock up then xd

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It's a bit of a risk to stock up on div energies unless you

A) want to profit off of other people who are trying to do the same thing, only they do it just before it's released, jacking the prices up due to demand


B) you have insider info on how exactly they're going to make div and inv interact. Who knows they might make it so that you have to actually do div yourself to get untradeable mats for inv. In fact at this point I think that's what they are going to do because they won't want everyone to just jump to the top tier stuff overnight.

That said they have mentioned that div energy will be used in large quantities so you won't go entirely broke unless you can't sell the stuff. But then, which will people need most etc

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Hum. I'm neutral on it. Sounds neat in concept. For me personally it sound like another thing that I'll never have the bandwidth to explore, but will make the gear gap between power-players and non power-players that much greater. I'm OK with it though- I'll just become slowly less and less effective as a player over the years.

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I'll just become slowly less and less effective as a player over the years.

That gave me feels, sounded both grim and sad at the same time. Idk I just woke up >_>

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