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Call of Duty: IW/MWR

Cam L

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If you're a degenerate like me, who's been telling yourself for the last 5+ years that you aren't going to buy the new Call of Duty and then end up doing it anyway, hit me up if you're down to play Infinite Warfare and/or Modern Warfare Remastered this weekend with @Lastresrt01 and I. We'll be playing on PS4. My Playstation ID is BoilerXpress (lol Purdue lol trains). Add me. I literally have no friends.

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14 minutes ago, Cam I Am said:

I literally have no friends.

How surprising. 



Sorry. I swear I'm kidding. 


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3 minutes ago, Beric said:

How surprising. 



Sorry. I swear I'm kidding. 



I knew that one would be a real winner with anyone who read this.

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Don't plan on buying it on release for multiple reasons (Mainly because I don't like the boost jump of any CoD's that have it, nor do I like supply drops) But maybe in the future I'll get around to finally buying it, and end up hating it and never playing it again! I'm looking at you Advanced Warfare :angry:

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I also dont have anybody added on my ps4, but i mainly play on xbox but really thinking about getting the new CoD on PS4, we'll see xD

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25 minutes ago, Lastresrt01 said:

Pretty much, Cam is ordering everyone to buy a ps4 and the new cod.


do it or else :mike:


Reign of Cam.

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1 hour ago, ReDrOc said:

How much of COD4 is actually in the game? Like are all the game modes and maps in it?


I think there are 10 maps right now, and they may release more later. I don't even remember how many maps CoD4 originally had, so it might be all of them. It's the full game, all the game modes are there, you can play the campaign if you want to, etc.

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Absolutely not getting this microtransaction-filled, season-pass-DLC, pay-to-win load of shit.


I'll stick to Titanfall 2. All DLC is free. All map packs are free. No microtransactions. No pay to win. Just pure FUN. Made by the guys who INVENTED call of duty, makers of COD, COD2, COD4, and MW2.

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On 11/2/2016 at 2:33 PM, Lastresrt01 said:

Pretty much, Cam is ordering everyone to buy a ps4 and the new cod.


do it or else :mike:

odd i missed this topic till now... last week i bought one :ph34r:

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On 11/2/2016 at 2:33 PM, Lastresrt01 said:

Pretty much, Cam is ordering everyone to buy a ps4 and the new cod.


do it or else :mike:


Don't do that gay shit, Mike is the king of the rainbows.



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