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The never ending story


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She quickly scanned the mounds of lost treasure, frantically losing hope when.. HOLY BACON there it was!!!

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She found exactly what she was looking for, a magical staff imbued with mystical energies to destroy all of her enemies with!

With anticipation of the overwhelming power she would once again experience flowing from the artifact through to her very core, she reached for the staff holding it aloft she thought, "wait a minute... didn't there used to be a large blue-ish green stone set in the end of this thing?"

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As she continues to slide deeper into the goblin's lair, a now useless staff in hand, she hears a crackling laugh from one of the shelves.

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"Who's there?" she yelled


Before she had stopped yelling she heard a loud rumble. 

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She realized the rumbling was actually her stomach, so she quickly licked herself clean before investigating the laugh. 

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After investigating further, the laughing turned out to be none other than a wise old man.


Finally able to stand without her bacon grease laden feet slipping out from under her, she glared at the old man, who between guffaws of laughter was able to momentarily catch his breath, and showering spittle exclaimed, "well.. that was slick!  Ha haa haaaa ha! lol! omg lmao!!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

The old man calmly asked the woman, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY SWAMP????":zanik:


After overcoming the awe she felt for the old man's uncanny ability to speak calmly yet in all capital letters, she thought, "Could this truly be the Lost Underground Swamp of Echos?" echos.. echos.... echos......

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She stopped whispering "echos" under her breath and returned her gaze to the old man. 

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"What was the old man wondering," the woman wondered herself... "How long would this peaceful moment last"... The woman quickly slid her gold ring off of her finger, and hid it in her pocket.. "Did the old man notice..." the woman thought... She slowly peeked into her rune pouch... "good, I have just enough runes for an entangle if it comes down to this..." All of a sudden, the mood started to darken. Both the woman and man were eye locked, No one moved a muscle, No one uttered a breath, It felt as if time had stopped...All of a sudden, out of NOWHERE

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A player named  "AlfredoDick" logs in and stares at both of them for a moment then starts mining some Dark Animica, a giant blue ring expands outward from him and everyone gets this feeling of increased EXP.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Well, that was weird." The woman said. "I'm... I'm outta here." As she is saying this, she quickly casts a water spell to rid herself of the grease that had once been such a useful tool. Drawing a circle around herself in chalk, she begins uttering... "Seventior disthi-" When the man exclaims, "WAIT!"

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She ignored the old man completely and finished chanting the spell, summoning a demon-like creature with huge wings and towering over them both at almost 10 feet tall.


impressed by the demon she has summoned she spoke out the chant to bind him to her will.


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Sion Wilder

But this demon was not a force to be controlled. He countered with a deep freeze spell and as she stood frozen he transferred his consciousness into her mind, thus possessing the young woman.

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She was too powerful to be controlled by the demon, she expelled him from her mind immediately and banished him back to the shadow realm

Catching her breath and wiping the beads sweat off her brow she thought to herself, “damn demon. Where did I go wrong. maybe it’s ‘dominos infinatum’ not ‘infinato’” and trying to ignore the rumbling of her empty stomach, she again focused her thoughts and chanted the incantation for deep dish pizza. 

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Sion Wilder

After a flash of light, a cheesy pepperoni pizza appeared in her hands. Then in shock, she yelled, "This isn't delivery! It's DiGiorno!" Then after finishing the pizza, she threw her spellbook to the ground and kicked it down a hole. She found a bronze longsword in the corner of the room and committed herself to the art of swordsmanship. 

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The sword turned out to be sentient, it sent the young lady on a special quest to find the great lost golden idol of the one true god, Pikachu!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Out of Runes

With her trusty Sword by her side, she gathers her supplies and sets off for the Thunderous Mountains where the idol is hidden.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Code Magick

She knows this is a dangerous path but continues onward willingly.

She quickly realized she forgot her car keys and doubles back for them. She knows this is the only way she'd reach the Thunderous Mountains in time to find the idol before it self-destructs.

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  • 3 weeks later...

She is unable to find her car keys so she continues onward to her divorce lawyers office where she attempts to convince her lawyer to receive more alimony so she can buy a new set of car keys.

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