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Im building a computer, ordering parts sometime tomorrow


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Ive never built a computer from scratch, but I've taken parts from a few broken computers and made a working computer. I've also upgraded my fair share of computers, youtube is also a decent place to go to learn a bit.

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Everything looks good but I would personally rather have a motherboard meant for Gaming PCs, that way you have alot of flexibility and tweaking/tuning options like overclocking and adjustable fan speeds, ect.

And Doc, building a PC is pretty simple nowadays. You just need to know where all of the wires go on the motherboard and the rest is pretty much just putting parts in their proper place and screwing them into the case/motherboard.

This motherboard costs quite a bit more but has a lot more features than the one you picked out:


Edited by Glad2BeMoto
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Im on a budget, it was originally $400 then $450 but my friend convinced me going from amd->intel is worth it so I went. I can't really afford to go any higher than what I have, I still have bills to pay and food to buy etc

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I have a 500w ocz modular design psu, and you mean that case dont come with fans? I wasn't sure about that as it said more could be added, and it shows fans in the picture. If it dont I have plenty of fans, I dont have any aftermarket cooling because I don't plan on overclocking right away. That's for another day.

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I'm not 1 to claim any sort of expertise on this matter so i differ to my buddy Gene



As for not getting anything AMD, I'll be completely neutral here, as Intel fanboys are a dime a dozen. Currently, Intel has the best performing CPUs, but they are fairly expensive compared to AMD systems. Why? Its not just the price of the CPU, Intel motherboards are generally $20-$40 more. However new Sandy Bridge Intel CPUs like the Core i5 2500K has decent integrated graphics, but honestly you shouldn't care much for that because...


Graphics cards are really cheap these days, for amazing performance. You can get a really good graphics card for fairly cheap and this is also where desktop PCs shine, as mobile graphics cards are outperformed in every way compared to desktop graphics. I can't stress this enough, if you do happen to get a laptop, you must make absolute sure it has its own dedicated graphics card! None of that Intel integrated graphics BS. Trust me, you will not regret it. As for the Nvidia/AMD war on graphics cards, honestly they are equal. Just pick the best performance for price and not because one is Nvidia or one is AMD.


A no brainer, just get whatever capacity you are fine with. This is where many prebuilt computers like Dell scam you. They sell you the shittiest hardware for the price but try and brag and stress on about how the hard drive is 1.5 TB or some crap.

Memory (RAM):

Ram is seriously so cheap right now you could probably buy a stack of it and use it instead of bricks to hold a door open and it would cost less. This is another thing that companies like Dell will scam you with. Don't be tempted to buy a laptop just because you see it has 8 or 16 GB of memory.

If you are looking at computers and wondering, how well is that hardware and how well will it really perform, this site has lots of graphics for everything:


You can click Video cards to view video card benchmarks as well.

I recommend this desktop PC right here for those that can't build their own:


Fucking amazing for its price. It doesn't come with a monitor though.

best of luck with building up your new pc =)

Edited by Shakazulu
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Thanks, Im a bit nervous as Ive never really done this before but I'm confident I can do it just fine. I decided to get a Hyper 212 EVO aftermarket cooler, should allow me to overclock to 4.5GHZ easily.

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hes doing much better, he went in for a minor surgery and died on the table...was dead for 5 minutes but they brought him back, he was on a breathing machine for the entire night and today a lung specialist examined his lungs and determined hes able to breath on his own, he's now conscious/walking and able to talk but is having issues as his throat is still swollen from the tube. They think this happened because he has "sleep acmia" or something (its where you stop breathing when you sleep) so that's a relief that its not because of his heart. Back in 2001 he had a triple bypass so everyone was worried.

As for the computer, I just ordered the parts, after everything it comes to $764, should get in ~3-5 days. I wont overclock at first, but Im told with the aftermarket cooler I got I can easily get 4.5Ghz

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hes doing much better, he went in for a minor surgery and died on the table...was dead for 5 minutes but they brought him back, he was on a breathing machine for the entire night and today a lung specialist examined his lungs and determined hes able to breath on his own, he's now conscious/walking and able to talk but is having issues as his throat is still swollen from the tube. They think this happened because he has "sleep acmia" or something (its where you stop breathing when you sleep) so that's a relief that its not because of his heart. Back in 2001 he had a triple bypass so everyone was worried.

i don't know the specifics of your grandfather's case so i'll just say first off i'm glad he's doing better and hopefully his comfort will improve - from sound of your description i'd guess obstructive sleep apnea - whichis when there is respiratory effort against some sort of airway obstruction - that leads to when a person stops breathing for at least 10 seconds repeatedly during sleep - like chest wall is moving but air is not moving due to a block - this tends to be associated with obesity, loud snoring, hypertension specifically pulomonary hypertension, irregular heartbeats (arrhythmia)

main thing to fix would be surgery at area of obstruction but weight loss also helps a lot too

keep an eye out if he's constantly tired like excessive daytime sleepiness

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Yeah he has weight problems and what not. His heart stopped during the surgery, I don't know much details about why but hes concious now and talking, only downside is he lost some memory and is having issues remembering anything. He don't remember who anyone is, and is asking his nurses every few hours why hes there. They hope this is going to improve as time goes on, they're planning on releasing him on Saturday. I really hope this is only temporary though, my grandpa means alot to me. Closest thing I've ever had to a Dad.

We're working on moving them over near where we live so I can help them a bit more as they live fairly far away atm.

As for the computer, Im getting all the parts tomorrow.

Oh and I got kicked out of the hospital while visiting him, some nurse came out and told me to shut my kid up (Baby brother) and we cussed her out for being rude, got escorted out by security xD Grandpa had a laugh at that.

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sorry you're going through rough time man but thankfully it wasn't worse - did they do an mri or a ct?

also what does your grandfather remember? rather then asking him if he remembers this or that, have him talk and say whatever he remembers and jot that down and include date - as you visit him jot down and see if he remembers more or less as time goes on - that'll provide you with proof 1 way or another as to his mental prognosis

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I havent been able to talk to him long, just ~2 minutes the rest he spends talking to my grandma/mom. They dont let him talk long, hes due to come home tomorrow but today they found another clogged artery in his heart and added a "stint" or something, I don't know. He's doing better though, I think his memorys coming back because from the things Ive heard him do/say hes slowly going back to the old stubborn guy he use to be. So I'm happy for that. He isnt allowed to do anything for at least a ~month and they reccomend he dont get stressed out, so Im going to wait a while before I talk to him long about anything.

As for the computer, I got it and built it. Had issues with installing the power switch as the color codes were wrong, so i had to read the instructions. Then I bent all the usb 3.0 prongs and had to re straighten them out, luckily it still works. The PSU had issues too, I can't overclock because my PSU isnt strong enough. So I will be getting a 1000w psu when ever I can, I'm broke for a few months now.

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if they added a stent... did they go through his wrist or thigh? if they went through wrist he'll be able to be more mobile but if they went through his thigh he'll need to rest more so as not to reopen that

def need overnight observation at the hospital at the least - you can pm anytime if ya want about anything medically related i'll be more then happy to explain since he's now a cardiac patient

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I dont know the full details but I think I heard my mom say it was in his heart, but she don't really know much either. They dont talk to us, just my grandma/her mom.

edit: I just called my gramdma, its in his thigh -- a vein that goes to his heart, not in his heart.

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it's actually the femoral artery - they inject a dye that is reflective during an x-ray - procedure is generally considered a catherization and going backwards from the femoral artery, they can run their instruments all the way back and into the main 2 branches of the heart by the aorta (left coronary and right coronary, the former which is also split into left anterior descending and left circumflex, giving you 3 most important branches for blood supply of the heart) now... using the dye, they can measure the amount that is being blocked - if it's 70% or more blocked, then they insert a stent to help fix the artery and allow blood to pass through

like... if you have a cut on outside of your skin, you see dried up blood scab when bleeding stops? that's called coagulation - same issue happens inside your arteries - if the inside part of your arteries is damaged, you develop the samething, and that leads to large unstable blockage, that can break off and block blood flow further down which leads to a heart attack - so stents are like bandages for inside the arteries - if the block isn't totally fixed with the stent then they can put a balloon by the stent and increase the pressure to open the stent up more

anyways - he'll be in the hospital overnight minimum for observation - they will be monitoring his wound to make sure it doesn't reopen as that could be a serious complication - ontop of seeing if there is any reaction to the stent - some people reject stents so it's extremely important they have to keep a close eye - being a cardiac patient his diet will have to change and his medications as well plavix and asprin will keep his blood thin (to prevent coagulation), along with a combination of drugs to lower his fat/cholesterol like statins (lipitor or crestor)... niacin maybe as well - it's up to his cardiologist

overall though - seems like due to his weight issue which led to his sleep apnea, they did the follow up of checking out his heart and caught his block early enough - when a heart attack happens you got 30 mins to get him into a catherization before they develop irreversible damage to their heart - and even then there is a 6 hour time frame when catherization is possible from the onset of a heart attack - so as bad as it was for your grandfather to go through this - think of it like this - you guys are lucky to catch his block now then later

Edited by Shakazulu
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