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To Clanmates, Allies, Friends, and Foes


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Tomorrow marks 13 years since the founding of Gladz when Joe, Jerico, and Blaze Mace started what would turn into a roller coaster of a journey. There have been ups, there have been downs, and there have been clowns. We have made friends and said bye to friends as they moved on to bigger and better things in the real world. We have fought many wars over the years, some for fun and others for pride and taking care of that clan beef shenanigans. Through it all though, even if we hit a couple bumps in the road, this clan has stayed true to what it is that makes this place so special, and that is having a special community revolved around having fun and enjoying whatever it is people are interested in at the time. Sometimes that was warring, other times it was spamming the forums or singing on ts during karaoke events, shoot sometimes fun just entailed laughing at someone for getting walled( lol G Blance <3)

This is a time to celebrate another year that has gone by and overcoming some large challenges that our clan faced not even a year ago. It is also a great chance for some of us to look back over the years and share the memories of our history as well as show how bad Rs graphics used to be for those of you who are newer! :lol:


Feel free to share any stories, screenshots, or memories from the past 13 years :)









*btw I wrote this early so I knew it would be done <3

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I had a picture saved just for this topic but I seem to have lost it. :redrage:



It happened almost entirely by chance, but I'm so very grateful to have ended up in this clan. ~9 years in green for me so far. I've met so many awesome people and created so many great memories. The Gladz experience has been unlike any other and I am so excited for the years to come. 


I love you guys. <3

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We have been Bar Mitzvah'ed! 13 years and going strong.

I pulled a bunch of pictures from my files from the first half decade or so for your enjoyment.

2004 Gladz


As I became slightly less of a newb.


Gladz' Karamja Football Event


Thirddegree and I did all the quests leading up to Legeds together the year RS2 Came out. I found a glitch in the underground pass and we hung out there for a while.


Hi! Likely circa 2003


Another Glitch doing KBD with Drowl, another Gladiator. He walked around and fought and such as a tiny little pinprick.


I think this must have been with Sneaky One and Wkd Tyger. We all liked to wear purple. They had more expensive taste though...


Origial Ride of the Rohirrim, when the rank was created during Zeonic Force War #1.


Circa 2006 (5 years in) there was a member of the decade category in the popularity poll. Sneaky One used to make the signatures back then.


This is classic Joe and Jerico circa 2001 at a "Gladiatorz Survivor" event. I'm not in this picture, but I salvaged it off the old website before geocities shut down.


Gladz' original firefest event circa 2003 (and the first one in RS). We hit up the wild after Varrock. People went nuts! In Varrock they thought it was awesome, in the wild the PK'ers hated us cause it made everyone lag and made it hard to see.


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Circa 2006 (5 years in) there was a member of the decade category in the popularity poll. Sneaky One used to make the signatures back then.


I'd say you've earned this one several times over by now. :reporter:
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:wubgladz:  :herbalist: My history with Gladz is a long, special, and complicated one. I have been instrumental in helping it become #1 in the warring, I have seen it move away from warring, I have seen it have 300 members, I have seen it have 30 members. I have quit the clan on I think two occasions, I've also helped it recruit hundreds of members over the years. In discussions in the past, I have actually taken the stance supporting its closure. I have had great friends in Gladz, and great enemies, too. I have written millions of words and put in years and years of my life into making this clan a success.  But through the good and the bad, Gladz has proven its resiliency in re-inventing itself continuously and outlast all other factions in RS. This is a feat no other alliance can match and makes Gladz an alliance like none-other. The future for the Gladz of today is very green.

Edited by Jeff
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Love to everyone who's been a part of this clan, regardless of how long <3


I don't have any nostalgic pictures to share, but I do have hope that Gladz will be of legal drinking age someday.

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My first fight with Gladz, roughly a day after I joined. It was a miniwar against The Dynasty. We had an Official War with them a couple of weeks later. (2005)


A Deathmatch with one of my oldest RS friends, back when I first joined Gladz. We actually met two years prior while doing the Digsite Quest. SHAZBOT BRO I LOVE YOU (2005)


Ripplycrw was the first person outside of the leadership to welcome me to Gladz. She's such a sweetheart. So to thank her, I crushed her mercilessly in a DM


When I first joined Gladz, Thirddegree (our beloved War General) would rage at me for having such a laughably low Defense level while being in a top tier warring clan. I think I originally had 75 Defense when I first joined. (2005)


Seike and I used to host War Practices to help teach tanking and evasion to the clan. I wanted to give a demonstration and uh... failed. LOL (2005)


Joe Jenninz set up a war against The Dark Slayers, the then #1 warring clan in the game. Within the first 48 hours we hit over 200 sign ups. I couldn't believe how pumped everybody was for that. I don't have any pictures of the war due to my shitty computer, but we pulled 226 people and won the fight. (2006)


My very first 99, 99 Strength! I got it on N0valyfe, a now-retired member of our clan who also took the #1 spot from Zezima before retiring. (2006)


One of our last "big pulls" to a fight, a miniwar against Damage Inc. If memory serves we lost, but we still pulled max options. Over 133 people. (2006 or 2007. Honestly after this point the dates kind of blur together.)


During my early days as a member of the clan, there was somebody who's name was Red. He had letters and numbers after his name, but fuck dedicating the memory space to remembering them. His nickname was "Big Red" and he would tell every lower level to "GET 120!!!!". Combat that is. Well, a year or two after he stopped being relevant, I got 120. (I'm also going to dedicate my 120 DG post to him. Come at me.)


These next picture are some of my proudest. We hit a huge, hard slump at the start of 2007. We dropped form a top 4 warring clan to maybe the top 15. We lost an huge amount of members who wanted differing things as the culmination of the Skillers vs Pkers war within our clan set in. This also coupled with the fact that the PVP Clan World changed, and we resisted it heavily, left many of our members wanting stuff outside of Gladz. The clan came pretty close to closing, but a core group of members remained and were dedicated to rebuilding Gladz and making it something special. I'd consider this our first rebirth where we began to truly focus on community and having fun with eachother. A month later, we were taking on our biggest rivals (and former brothers), The Blacknights. They were our allies for years, and broke it off with us for a variety of reasons, warring power being one of them. In 2005 their actions resulted in what is still called the largest war in history between two clans, we pulled 195 people to their 210. They won with about 15 people left. Flash forward two years, and we are limping along from our mass leaving, but growing stronger. We decided to accept a fight with BK again, and what happened helped show that we had plenty of life left in the clan:

People were pumped up for the fight


And we had that unique Gladz attitude


And we had a decent pull, 80 people!


Another LOL moment. Clan Jaguar has (Had? Do you guys still have them?) Squads within their clans. SWAT, Genesis Dynasty, and so on. Well. GD broke off from Jags at one point and took a lot of their higher leveled members with them. I took it upon myself to talk our Leader, WKD Tyger into arranging a war with them to avenge our brothers.

We pulled 65 people to their like... 15. I don't remember what they pulled but it wasn't good.


The only person who died on our side in this crushing victory was Matty Range. :trollface:

Me getting 99 HP some time in 2007


When I first took over the PR Team in 2007, I would host monthly public events to help build relationships with other clans outside of warring. One of our first ones was a giant trawler event:




And a massive fight pits event:


I was so proud to have a mod show up to an event that I made. :$



I made this sig at one point:


And this sig:


... and this sig:


Random war pictures from 2009-whenever we did our last war:










And recent stuff:







... I don't take as many pictures as I used to. I should start doing that.

I'm still happy to have captured so much of our history over the years. It means a lot to me that I can go back through my +30 pages of Photobucket pictures and watch how Gladz has grown over the years. This has been a fantastic home for me and I'm happy to share this insane asylum with you all. Happy Birthday, Gladz!

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Love this thread <3:) so many things I wish I could have been a part of! But I'm very proud to say I was a part of these..



Pony family :aww:






You guys have become like family to me, through the good times and the bad, I will always love you guys <3

Happy thirteenth birthday, Gladz!!


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Joined in 2006, here is a random bunch of pictures, most are from run ins/minis



Mini with vr



Mini with corr that I dc'd during, came back online to kill


Start of a jerico pk


Middle of a jerico pk - Tim is such a jerk :(


Wasn't Tim's fault, I actually started it, he just finished it :x


Little Iron Mini


Against exer



My view from Jame's picture Feb 10th 2007 not 2010 lolololol


This is some p2p pk I was supposed to be leading, but Jade is there, so he has infact pked before


Edited by Aequitas
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This is some p2p pk I was supposed to be leading, but Jade is there, so he has infact pked before


Well by the looks of those PMs I'm not actually there. ##
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