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The evolution of Pay-to-WinScape


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Like to be honest, all of you are making a much larger deal than this ought to be. As Jade said, both the ancient and lunar swapping places had a place within 30 seconds away. And as for storing runes in it for spells. All the spells, in the normal spell book anyway, require 2 spaces of runes, air + elemental, so it really isn't that big of a deal when if you have a yak you already have 58 spaces possible...
I'm more annoyed by the fact that it's the first step of a slippery slope. We were promised that we wouldn't be capable of buying items (other than bank boosters, which they mentioned from the very start) that would give an in-game advantage. If this were well-received, they'd see that as a green light to make even more stuff, and blah blah blah you can see how it can get out of hand. Pay to win is something that destroys games if left unchecked.


"First step"?

No. I warned you all of the slippery slope beginning with the loyalty programme in the first place, then I went ape-shit at the Squeal of Fortune (and didn't even have xp or tradeables to start with).

We are 20 fucking miles down the slope already.

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Perhaps cause the gaming market rs is in is slowly dying out and they're trying to cash out as much as possible rather then making the game run smoothly :P

I would like them to integrate clan wars and clan citadels into a monster mini game where object of the game is to destroy the other clan's citadel lol - would be pretty funny :D

Toss in prize and consequences like winning clan would get X amount of Clan resources and losing clan would get keep downgrade

Basically us long term gaming addicts aka clan world is what will keep them in business

Edited by Shakazulu
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Uh, jagex is owned by a liquidation company. They /are/ trying to cash out as much as is possible. The slippery slope is just the same as the slippery slope on a ski mountain: it's on purpose. 


Maybe you'll listen to me when I say the clan needs to expand beyond this game before it's too late and maybe you won't but just remember, there are still a handful of people who are still playing maple story. 

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rather then making the game run smoothly :P
they did make the game run smoothly they took out ~6 years of updates and called it oldschool/07 scape and slowly readded some of the updates based on player polls and they also have brand new content :D
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I didn't realize this kind of thing was still worth getting mad over. They've been doing pay-to-win for 2 years now, selling everything from experience to gold to special advantages in-game. What difference does it make?

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Like to be honest, all of you are making a much larger deal than this ought to be. As Jade said, both the ancient and lunar swapping places had a place within 30 seconds away. And as for storing runes in it for spells. All the spells, in the normal spell book anyway, require 2 spaces of runes, air + elemental, so it really isn't that big of a deal when if you have a yak you already have 58 spaces possible...

never thought i'd agree with Mason on anything, but this is super accurate 

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