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Elder Scrolls V


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>Escape my execution

>Accompany a guard to the outskirts of Skyrim

>We part ways

>I travel up to the mountains and begin training

I'm already like level 15+ and I haven't even started the game! Grinding never leaves your blood once it gets in there.

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Okay so I've found a pretty damn good way of getting 100 Smithing (+Enchanting too if you don't have coins to blow on Smithing).

What're you waiting on? Tell us

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Okay so I've found a pretty damn good way of getting 100 Smithing (+Enchanting too if you don't have coins to blow on Smithing).

so far it looks like hunt wabbits forr fur and then craft leathr bracers.

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Requirements: Around 3000 coins to begin with.

> Get a weapon with soul trap ability. (Shops restock every 48 hours so wait it out if necessary. I used the archery shop in Whiterun where a bow cost me ~750.)

> Dismantle that weapon so you have the ability to enchant any item with Soul Trap. (Also; pick up an item with a Fear enchantment if you can)

> Enchant any weapon that you want to use with Soul Trap, I use a bow.

> Go to the mage guy in Dragonsreach who has an enchanting table & alchemy table in his room. Buy as many soul gems [empty] as you can starting from petty.

> Kill wolves, rabbits, deer, foxes, skeevers, slaughterfish. Any small fauna that'll give you a soul in your soul gem. Hides aren't necessary but obviously handy. I hunt around Riverside.

> When you have filled all of your soul gems, use one on your Soul Trap weapon to re-enchant it. This is quite important because you don't want to be without that ability.

> Go to Warmaiden's in Whiterun and craft leather strips out of your pelts/hides.

> Go inside the shop and buy as many iron ingots & iron ores as you can. If you get more iron than leather strips, buy more leather strips.

> Go outside to the smithery and create IRON DAGGERS.

> When you've made all of the iron daggers you can, travel to Dragonsreach.

> Go back to the soul gem salesman guy and use his enchanting table to enchant your iron daggers with whatever abilities you have. I've found Fear to be one of the best for the next point...

> Go back to Warmaiden's and sell your enchanted iron daggers. He should have enough money to buy all of them because you just bought all his materials. I can sell FEAR ENCHANTED IRON DAGGERS FOR 120 EACH. Compared to the 3 each that a non-enchanted iron dagger will give you.

> Rinse and repeat. I've found it to be 4-5 iron daggers per smithing level and 1-2 fear enchants per enchanting level.

This method does make money that's the reason I use it. It's by no means the fastest but it's easy. In around 2 hours (Most of which spent from hunting the critters) I got from 15 -> 60 Smithing and 15 -> 31 Enchanting.

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God damn it I was about to go to bed... Played ~12 hours straight last night.

I'm like level 12 playing on expert. Sword and board Nord. Tried attacking a giant + group of mammoths. Got about 4 hits on the giant before he turned and hit me like a baseball into Hammerfell from North of Whiterun. That was the first and last time...

ALSO FINISHING MOVES. so many awesomes. Got a finisher on a dragon, it was like a 15 second cut where you're on its head bashing it with your sword. A few awesome ones:

Pin the thing's head against your shield and slice with your sword

Get up under it and push it up in the air with shield. Broad side sword on top of its head into the ground.


Grab shoulder and shove sword through midsection and kick off.

Underneath chin through head

360 slash

fuck ice trolls.


Gonna buy a house in Whiterun so I have some place to store my bones+hides so I can make some bone armor.

Kinda feel like fast travel ruins a part of the game. might just buy a horse and run around like that but I don't wanna spend 1k on a horse if it just gets killed or runs off/disappears like in oblivion.

A few more things that made me :o that would somewhat ruin the story.





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I scrounged up money and bought it. Good choice, because IT'S AWESOME.

What do you guys mean when you say "Sword and board" Nord, and Argonion "2-hand destruction magic". Do you have to specialize in certain perks or am I missing something here?

Deathstar, I did buy a horse and he hasn't run away or gotten killed yet. Granted I have gone and tried to kill some giants with it but he's still here.

Edit: Just fell off a low cliff and my horse died. :lll

Low detail still looks pretty good!


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I torrented it to see if my PC could run it and now I wish I got it on PC instead of buying on Xbox :dan:

That said, the wheel scrolling in menus is a bit shit. Unless that's something that hasn't been patched in the torrented version but has in the proper one.

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