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Didn't see a topic about this.

Thoughts? Redundant to run 2007 scape and Darkscape?

They've more or less brought back the pvp setting of RS 2001 (pre-wilderness) with 2007 fighting mechanics. In 2001 you could attack within 3 levels everywhere- no more no less. No it increases like wilderness.

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here u go rafi


and as to being Redundant to run 2007 scape and Darkscape?

think the most impact it would have is on people who pvp on legacy(also pvp on rs3 if they add eoc sever)

osrs will be coming out with deadman mode.

Edited by Bryce
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I don't think it's redundant at all. I'd be surprised if the majority of 07 players would welcome pvp-everywhere. You can love warring and pking but still want to quest and fish in peace.


In 2001 you could attack within 3 levels everywhere- no more no less. Now it increases like wilderness.

The level brackets are only in place in the newbie areas. There are no level restrictions once you hit the high-risk areas (read: anywhere relevant to a higher leveled player).
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Pfft. Hiding a RS topic on public forums. :hmph:

I played a bit last night. Overall I think it'll be fun- I always enjoyed 2001 scape, but I have such little desire to redo all the necessary quests and retrain the useful skills.

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Pfft. Hiding a RS topic on public forums. :hmph:

I played a bit last night. Overall I think it'll be fun- I always enjoyed 2001 scape, but I have such little desire to redo all the necessary quests and retrain the useful skills.

First I say hi to you and you ignore it, now this. Tsk Tsk rafi

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I always enjoyed 2001 scape, but I have such little desire to redo all the necessary quests and retrain the useful skills.

My inner sadist has thought about training up just to camp out and kill anyone attempting the MEII light puzzle. 

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I always enjoyed 2001 scape, but I have such little desire to redo all the necessary quests and retrain the useful skills.

My inner sadist has thought about training up just to camp out and kill anyone attempting the MEII light puzzle.

If you do this I have a suggestion:

Kill people who have got through the light door at the bottom of the final staircase and have just turned the beam around to open the Death Altar door with the dwarf behind it (thereby closing the entrance door).

It's puzzle re-do time in those circumstances.

Not a bad 17,001st post I suppose

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I wish there was just one RS like old days.


But how would all those people who like to click on something/someone and watch them die ever be able to deal with a game that requires actual input?

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I always enjoyed 2001 scape, but I have such little desire to redo all the necessary quests and retrain the useful skills.

My inner sadist has thought about training up just to camp out and kill anyone attempting the MEII light puzzle.


If you do this I have a suggestion:

Kill people who have got through the light door at the bottom of the final staircase and have just turned the beam around to open the Death Altar door with the dwarf behind it (thereby closing the entrance door).

It's puzzle re-do time in those circumstances.

Not a bad 17,001st post I suppose


Congratulations. I am now afraid of both of you.


I wish there was just one RS like old days.

It does suck that the community keeps splitting up with each new version/combat mode, but I like the idea of this becoming a chaotic, violent version of RS. I hope they can add more unique features based around PvP so it's not just an RS3 copy/paste. Besides, aside from one or two games on FunOrb, RS copies are the only successful games that come from Jagex.

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I always enjoyed 2001 scape, but I have such little desire to redo all the necessary quests and retrain the useful skills.

My inner sadist has thought about training up just to camp out and kill anyone attempting the MEII light puzzle. 


i didn't know you could be evil jade, thats a whole new level.


on the other hand i've been playing quite abit, learning some of the new rs3 things i wasnt around for ( new low level armors/ some DnD's and a few other things.) Need to get some more quests done for xp, double xp from quests is way to good...i have an addy 2h with my name on it in the bank from some kid who tried to kill me in catherby, guard smited his addy 2h for me haha.

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Oh wow. I didn't know the quest xp was doubled. :woeh:

Makes sense since you can die mid quest and have to get all the quest items over again.

Also, I wandered the wilderness last night- I like how you can't see the minimap, but I dislike how you can't move by clicking the minimap. I always move with the minimap so as not to misclick!

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I like how you can't see the minimap, but I dislike how you can't move by clicking the minimap. I always move with the minimap so as not to misclick!

+1 That part is a serious pain in the ass.
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its possible to get past protect from melee prayer just from doing nexus. imagine a level 8? having protect from melee



thats what most players have done i believe, including myself.

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Oh wow. I didn't know the quest xp was doubled. :woeh:

Makes sense since you can die mid quest and have to get all the quest items over again.

Also, I wandered the wilderness last night- I like how you can't see the minimap, but I dislike how you can't move by clicking the minimap. I always move with the minimap so as not to misclick!

Saw on a friends video that if you go to tele with drakan's medallion but then cancel the tele it will make the minimal appear, it's a bug yea but a very useful one.

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Oh wow. I didn't know the quest xp was doubled. :woeh:

Makes sense since you can die mid quest and have to get all the quest items over again.

Also, I wandered the wilderness last night- I like how you can't see the minimap, but I dislike how you can't move by clicking the minimap. I always move with the minimap so as not to misclick!

Saw on a friends video that if you go to tele with drakan's medallion but then cancel the tele it will make the minimal appear, it's a bug yea but a very useful one.


Minimal? Do you mean that it makes you miniature so other players can't see you?

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