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What made you start playing Runescape?


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I was at a Summer Camp in 2003 and this other kid asked me if I had heard of "roomscape". I told him no and he started telling me about it. It sounded pretty cool so I went home and searched for "roomscape" and no games came up in the results so I just played StarCraft instead, which was my go-to PC game at the time. The next day he asked me if I checked it out or not and told him I couldn't find it. Eventually I figured out he meant "Runescape" and the next day I started playing. Even though it was just RS Classic at the time I still got hooked right away and I've been playing ever since.


Oh and I'm still in contact with him through Facebook and he ocassionally plays OSRS. He tried to get me to make an OS Account but I've been focused on Maxing in RS3. 

Edited by Moto Bro
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  • 2 weeks later...

Back in 2nd grade some of my friends at school were getting into and I really didn't want to at first because I had never played anything like this but after going over to a friends house and seeing him play it I instantly created my account been hooked ever since!

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  • 1 month later...

I had heard about Runescape a long time ago but one look at the graphics and I was like hard pass.


Recently as your all aware it became available on steam. Upon watching the trailer, (and the fact I no longer tend to be an eye candy whore), I decided to try it. While I have no idea most of the time about what I am doing or should be doing, currently just doing the path quests, and clan chat seems like folks are speaking a foreign language, the game has sucked me in. The fact that I have no idea is appealing because to me it means it's not just another "cookie cutter" mmo and I love learning new things.

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When i was about 4 my neighbor and his older brother both played, and they got me into it, we would all 3 woodcut/fish and save up all our gp together. At one point we saved enough to buy a zammy plateskirt, and we thought we were the coolest kids on the block, lol.

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  • 1 month later...

I moved around a lot when I was young. My dad did his job so well that other places kept offering him a higher salary to work for them. Since I moved around a lot, before emails I had penpals from friends I made in each town I lived in. One of my closest friends that was a penpal started writing about runescape. I figured I would try it. Well here I am now still playing it. She still plays it too, just not as much as I do.

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I started playing Runescape because I was dying of boredom! Between the pandemic and coursework, I needed something to entertain me and nothing was doing it for me. I decided to give it a chance and it's proven entertaining so far. 

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in 2003 my buddy showed me the game, his older brother who was only 12 at the time was the one who discovered it. 4 years later I was playing miniclips and started looking for other online games and came across rs2, which was familiar to me. I made an account played that summer and the following summer. I just found my account again recently. 

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So this was back in old Rs2 days. Back before Osrs was a thing. I had a buddy I had a couple of classes with in high school. Kept talking my ear off about it. Ended up taking me to computer club to play it. Sadly I lost the account that now would of been sitting on rs3 today.

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  • 1 month later...

My friends dad played and eventually I saw him play it enough to give it a go. I always remember him struggling to complete Ernest the Chicken like it was yesterday, good times!

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Started playing in computer class of vocational school (can't remember excactly when, but I was in that school 99-02). Our teacher new even less about computers than us future plumbers etc, so we just spent our time on the internet.

Couple of us kept playing even outside school, though only I remain now. Many breaks along the way, longest was 4 years long, but back here again for the foreseeable future :)

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  • 1 month later...

Me and my friends used it as an after school chat room with activities. We went on to draw fan art an animate videos of our adventures in IT class rather than study. Which I could find the diabolical state of those animations now.

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I played runescape when I was like 10 years old. Never had membership. I'd quit after around 1,5 years. Couple of years later I sold my account for a League of Legends skin weirdly enough. Around a month ago some friends of mine mentioned they were playing Runescape Again and I wanted to join in for the nostalgia. I decided to get Membership to get the feeling of how Runescape really is, and I've been quite addicted every since. Now im the only one left cuz all my friends pretty much went to WoW or simply quit again so sad me. 

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I started playing RS when I was a kid. We used to have co-ed soccer teams but I was the only girl in our age group on my team.  All the dumb boys used to go to the library after practice and sneak on the computers to play runescape because their parents didn't want them talking to strangers online. It was my mission to show them how much better at it I was and that anything the boys could do I could do. So I convinced my parents to let me play and I passed them up. Now they're all moving on with their lives but I'll always be playing RuneScape because it has a piece of my heart. I still play with some of the friends I made way back when even. ?

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I was at an age where I googled "Free online games in browser" and Runescape was the one that stuck with me. Runescape and Stick Arena were my go to PC games as a kid.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My brother actually. He started playing back at rs1 and I thought the game was stupid at first. He spent all of his time chopping trees, and I didn't get the full picture until he beat the quest dragon slayer a long time later. I was in the room and he convinced me to give it a shot. It's been on and off ever since.

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