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G Blance

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"Sona's currently pretty under the radar power wise and is actually really strong at the moment. That's not indicative of the rework failing though." - Riot Meddler


Idk why he can't just admit his Sona rework is ass and accomplished nothing but make her more powerful in the most toxic way; she lives to stall games or force them down the enemies throat so hard they have no chance of coming back.


Her shield and bonus auto-attack damage (for her team) is practically unnoticeable. His proposed solution is to just nerf her heal.


They shifted her passive power into more active power but at the same time they made that power weaker... like what the fuck. It should be the same, if not more powerful. The unnecessary % health buff to her heal is holding her back, and unless they remove it, they won't be able to buff her where she needs to be buffed, and just keep nerfing her base heal instead.


Every time I see Meddler spout garbage about the rework it makes me want to tear my hair out.





Edited by Tattles
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The rant is not over.


More mana for less heal, coupled with all healing-supports getting reduced base mana regen. The already unnoticeable garbage Hymn of Valor aura got a nerf that probably changes the damage of it by like like fucking 6, and is probably only there to beef up the patch notes, as it seriously does nothing. Sona never has a enough AP for her ratio on that shit aura to ever matter in the slightest.


She's still going to be good; but she's still going to be good for all the wrong reasons. Rito pls, get rid of the % heal, and buff her aura's. The only ability they got right with the rework was her Song of Celerity which is now super satisfying and noticeable, while everything else about her is negligible. No one ever says "Wow Sona! Your shield really saved me there!".


They put the aura's on a fixed timer, reduce their range, and reduce their overall effectiveness. It makes no fucking sense. 



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i would still play her no matter what.


i'm mad because meddler is fucking bowl of chicken noodle soup and his sona rework is bad. like they made the % healing thing for soraka first, a champion intended to be the premier healer, and then give it to sona for some ungodly reason. then it's too good and they can't afford to buff her shitty-butt aura's because then she'd be too good. SO THEY NERF THE HEAL BUT STILL KEEP THE % THING (albeit halved) AND THEN NERF HER Q AURA BY 3 DAMAGE. also this shit wasn't even on the pbe i don't think.


tldr; yea imad

Edited by Tattles
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On the bright side: Shyvana jungle is no longer shit. She can actually buy a jungle item without it being 50% useless.
have fun dying to chickens bro

lee sin is back!

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On the bright side: Shyvana jungle is no longer shit. She can actually buy a jungle item without it being 50% useless.
have fun dying to chickens bro

lee sin is back!

why would azir be in my jungle

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On the bright side: Shyvana jungle is no longer shit. She can actually buy a jungle item without it being 50% useless.

have fun dying to chickens bro

lee sin is back!

why would azir be in my jungle


u got me son
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  • 2 weeks later...

Keep nerfing Lucian. I am 100% fine with other ADCs. Lucian is literally the most mobile, bursty ADC in the game. He has both of those. He does the most burst damage and he has the most mobility. It's disgusting. It's a tragedy that it has gone on for over a year now. His E is literally Ezreal's E and his passive means he essentially has five damaging abilities in lane, his three passives from skills and then the damage from Q and W. He out-trades everyone else and he has pushing power. He has no weaknesses.

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Keep nerfing Lucian. I am 100% fine with other ADCs. Lucian is literally the most mobile, bursty ADC in the game. He has both of those. He does the most burst damage and he has the most mobility. It's disgusting. It's a tragedy that it has gone on for over a year now. His E is literally Ezreal's E and his passive means he essentially has five damaging abilities in lane, his three passives from skills and then the damage from Q and W. He out-trades everyone else and he has pushing power. He has no weaknesses.

Yeah well you can smd cause I like my overpowered ADCs. Your balanced game can go fuck itself. They're only nerfing him cause he's black, rito racist confirmed

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I just realized why they nerfed Sona when her popularity is already in the gutter: Preparing for her resurgence for when the new skin comes out.


I really hope it doesn't suck/is annoying. It better be absolutely fucking fantastic, which i'm sure it will be, or i'll stick to Silent Night.

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  • 1 month later...

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