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G Blance

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1st day on twitch, DL gets 70k+ viewers. lolazubu

shot down GRILLS askin him to go play lazer tag, also shirtless seraph lol

Shirtless laser tag LETS GOOOOOO!

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So how good is everyone?...

anyone wanna teach me ADC and Mid? lol

I main ADC and Mid

teach me sensei haha

I main Top and Sup

I can jungle if I get xin zhao, trying to learn vi but I keep playing badly with her.

I can pretty much Top with anyone and usually win.

I'm no where near diamond material but anything'll help :D

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So how good is everyone?...

anyone wanna teach me ADC and Mid? lol

I main ADC and Mid
teach me sensei haha

I main Top and Sup

I can jungle if I get xin zhao, trying to learn vi but I keep playing badly with her.

I can pretty much Top with anyone and usually win.

I'm no where near diamond material but anything'll help :D

Sure, I'm in like the Wood V rankings though
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So how good is everyone?...

anyone wanna teach me ADC and Mid? lol

I main ADC and Mid
teach me sensei haha

I main Top and Sup

I can jungle if I get xin zhao, trying to learn vi but I keep playing badly with her.

I can pretty much Top with anyone and usually win.

I'm no where near diamond material but anything'll help :D

Sure, I'm in like the Wood V rankings though

Oh I thought you said you were Diamond 3 lol

and I don't like bot lane because you have to be in sync with someone else




Rip Kha'zix :'( (until he's back)

I suck at Khaz :D but he's fun lol

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  • 2 weeks later...



does anyone else think the new BoRK looks scary as fuck

  • Life Steal: 15% --> 10%
  • Proc Damage: 5% Current Health --> 8% Current Health
  • Active Nuke Damage: 15% Maximum Health --> 10% Maximum Health
  • Active Movement Speed Slow: 30% Movement Speed Steal --> 25% Movement Speed Steal

like yea it's LS and active effects were lowered, but that one buff to the passive sounds pretty fuckin insanely good. i don't have pbe tho so IDK RIP.



they also up'd IE's damage by 10, so guessing that Cait/Jinx will start building like 2-3 Doran's (3% LS now) and then straight into IE.


i really like the change to Zeal though. makes it more useful for caster ad's, since right now no one ever ever buys a Zeal when building to Triforce.


(i main adc so this stuff matters a lot to me Q.Q)

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does anyone else think the new BoRK looks scary as fuck

  • Life Steal: 15% --> 10%
  • Proc Damage: 5% Current Health --> 8% Current Health
  • Active Nuke Damage: 15% Maximum Health --> 10% Maximum Health
  • Active Movement Speed Slow: 30% Movement Speed Steal --> 25% Movement Speed Steal
like yea it's LS and active effects were lowered, but that one buff to the passive sounds pretty fuckin insanely good. i don't have pbe tho so IDK RIP.



they also up'd IE's damage by 10, so guessing that Cait/Jinx will start building like 2-3 Doran's (3% LS now) and then straight into IE.


i really like the change to Zeal though. makes it more useful for caster ad's, since right now no one ever ever buys a Zeal when building to Triforce.


(i main adc so this stuff matters a lot to me Q.Q)


Makes it a bit better on Shyvana and Warwick.

For ADC's building it I'd expect to see more of the BotRK + TF combo, as opposed to people building BT + TF. BT was better for "crit" builds, which was significantly stronger than the passive damage from BotRK/TF in damage output, but now with BT nerfed and BotRK buffed, people might make kind of "attack speed centered" builds like some people always did with Vayne. I wouldn't be shocked to see something like BotRK + TF + LW + Shiv/Ghostblade/Zephyr. If people pick up Shiv or Zephyr on top of TF, I imagine people could even forego buying boots and get a 5th offensive item and then a 6th defensive item.

Edited by Vigilant Foe
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does anyone else think the new BoRK looks scary as fuck

  • Life Steal: 15% --> 10%
  • Proc Damage: 5% Current Health --> 8% Current Health
  • Active Nuke Damage: 15% Maximum Health --> 10% Maximum Health
  • Active Movement Speed Slow: 30% Movement Speed Steal --> 25% Movement Speed Steal
like yea it's LS and active effects were lowered, but that one buff to the passive sounds pretty fuckin insanely good. i don't have pbe tho so IDK RIP.



they also up'd IE's damage by 10, so guessing that Cait/Jinx will start building like 2-3 Doran's (3% LS now) and then straight into IE.


i really like the change to Zeal though. makes it more useful for caster ad's, since right now no one ever ever buys a Zeal when building to Triforce.


(i main adc so this stuff matters a lot to me Q.Q)



Makes it a bit better on Shyvana and Warwick.

For ADC's building it I'd expect to see more of the BotRK + TF combo, as opposed to people building BT + TF. BT was better for "crit" builds, which was significantly stronger than the passive damage from BotRK/TF in damage output, but now with BT nerfed and BotRK buffed, people might make kind of "attack speed centered" builds like some people always did with Vayne. I wouldn't be shocked to see something like BotRK + TF + LW + Shiv/Ghostblade/Zephyr. If people pick up Shiv or Zephyr on top of TF, I imagine people could even forego buying boots and get a 5th offensive item and then a 6th defensive item.

Vayne and Ezreal specifically going to get the biggest benefit out of all of this. Ezreal can easily make amazing use of all these items, with the exception of maybe Ghostblade. Vayne will likely benefit not only from the BoRK and Atk Speed changes, but also Scimitar being more desirable. 


I'm quite interested as to how Urgot will be after this, I think he'll be able to fill a more ADC-ish role as opposed to his current... "unique" role. BoRK into BT sounds like it'll be quite good on him, then the obvious Cleaver and LW. Lifesteal Quints are definitely dropped now pretty much, so would allow him to get a free 15% attack speed, or maybe even another 9% from Marks if Urgot's willing to give up a little bit of lane-bullyness to become a true terror late game.

Edited by Tattles
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What are the changes to Nidalee? All I got out of reading the patch notes was that her spear width was halved. I just bought her last night too :sly:

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What are the changes to Nidalee? All I got out of reading the patch notes was that her spear width was halved. I just bought her last night too :sly:

They basically made Nidalee less of "mrs. spear throwing lady" and more of 0MG HOT KITY KAT LADY OW GET IT OFF ME.


Bigger emphasis on her Cougar form and making her more of an assassiny hunter (kinda like a really not-sneaky and 1-shotty rengar jr). Currently, the so called Huntress benefits the most from staying in her lane and throwing shit until someone gets hit and dies... that's not what a hunter does. So they made her a stronger jungle fighter and made her early game more important than the current "get pushed to tower, try to CS until 6, kill shit."


This is their goal at least, idk how well they can actually implement it.

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I'm quite interested as to how Urgot will be after this, I think he'll be able to fill a more ADC-ish role as opposed to his current... "unique" role. BoRK into BT sounds like it'll be quite good on him, then the obvious Cleaver and LW. Lifesteal Quints are definitely dropped now pretty much, so would allow him to get a free 15% attack speed, or maybe even another 9% from Marks if Urgot's willing to give up a little bit of lane-bullyness to become a true terror late game.
Any time I've seen someone play Urgot, they take a ton of armor penetration from runes. Either all marks and AD quints or just full armor penetration for both.
What are the changes to Nidalee? All I got out of reading the patch notes was that her spear width was halved. I just bought her last night too :sly:
They're basically toning down everything in her kit to about 75% effectiveness of what it is now - the spear, the heal, the cooldown on pounce, the damage on cougar abilities - in exchange for making her cougar abilities about 30-50% more effective for 4 seconds after hitting a spear or having the enemy step on a trap. They also removed the armor/MR shred on traps, lowered the cost, and lowered the cooldown.

Oh, I forgot to mention about the most important aspect of it (puns plz), she unlocks her Aspect of the Cougar form at lvl 1.

Edited by Vigilant Foe
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Bigger emphasis on her Cougar form and making her more of an assassiny hunter (kinda like a really not-sneaky and 1-shotty rengar jr). Currently, the so called Huntress benefits the most from staying in her lane and throwing shit until someone gets hit and dies... that's not what a hunter does. So they made her a stronger jungle fighter and made her early game more important than the current "get pushed to tower, try to CS until 6, kill shit."


This is their goal at least, idk how well they can actually implement it.

They flat out nerfed her cougar form except for being unlocked at lvl 1. When ahead, a Nidalee could use her cougar form combo and do as much damage as a full non-ult combo from any other AP champion on a 5 second cooldown, at the expense of being vulnerable to being focused down.

They're making it so that she has to follow up with cougar form after using human form. If you aren't weaving in with each form and hitting your empowered cougar abilities, it's just a plain ~25% nerf across every single skill from both forms but unlocking cougar at lvl 1.

Edited by Vigilant Foe
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just won my first ever ranked match lol

shouldn't have tried out those different settings in that though

I ended up dying a couple times early on

oh add me on league guys "Third Arc"

I'm not good but I'm not horrible lol

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just won my first ever ranked match lol

shouldn't have tried out those different settings in that though

I ended up dying a couple times early on

oh add me on league guys "Third Arc"

I'm not good but I'm not horrible lol

Best way to improve is by playing ranked. If you get placed low, or get knocked down a division, don't give up. You learn almost nothing valuable from normal games. In ranked you're actually playing against people who want to win.


Watching Twitch streams of challenger/diamond players also helps, depending on who you watch; you're obviously not going to learn anything from watching Trick2g blubber like a moron and say "YA KNOW IF U WANA GET OUTA BRONZE U JUST GOTTA UNDERSTAND THIS ONE THING" about everything.

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just won my first ever ranked match lol

shouldn't have tried out those different settings in that though

I ended up dying a couple times early on

oh add me on league guys "Third Arc"

I'm not good but I'm not horrible lol

Best way to improve is by playing ranked. If you get placed low, or get knocked down a division, don't give up. You learn almost nothing valuable from normal games. In ranked you're actually playing against people who want to win.


Watching Twitch streams of challenger/diamond players also helps, depending on who you watch; you're obviously not going to learn anything from watching Trick2g blubber like a moron and say "YA KNOW IF U WANA GET OUTA BRONZE U JUST GOTTA UNDERSTAND THIS ONE THING" about everything.

aight maybe I'll start watching streams then

been pretty casual, guess I'll go pro now lol

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