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Random League of Legends Discussion

G Blance

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Holy fuck, that CRS vs. CLG. CRS had a good strategy, but CLG countered it sooo well.


Also that last play by Chauster/Doublelift was amazing.

Yeah, I feel like their team was very incomplete. You have extra AD and AS on the highest damage output ADC (and best turret pusher), but they had no way of protecting Jinx. Two members of the teams are dedicated supports, with Nunu bringing literally nothing to the team except AS on Jinx since slows won't matter against a Shyvana or Yasuo ultimate hard engage. You have a tank in Mundo who is incapable of peeling (and diving, too, for that matter, since CLG's team has a ton of peel and he'd be alone). They have no way of protecting Jinx except for Janna's ultimate, which can only block one of CLG's many ways to engage. Their entire team revolved around Jinx, and with no hard CC or mobility (like a Thresh) to protect her, CLG can just jump on Jinx and then Curse is powerless to do anything.
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Holy fuck, that CRS vs. CLG. CRS had a good strategy, but CLG countered it sooo well.


Also that last play by Chauster/Doublelift was amazing.

Yeah, I feel like their team was very incomplete. You have extra AD and AS on the highest damage output ADC (and best turret pusher), but they had no way of protecting Jinx. Two members of the teams are dedicated supports, with Nunu bringing literally nothing to the team except AS on Jinx since slows won't matter against a Shyvana or Yasuo ultimate hard engage. You have a tank in Mundo who is incapable of peeling (and diving, too, for that matter, since CLG's team has a ton of peel and he'd be alone). They have no way of protecting Jinx except for Janna's ultimate, which can only block one of CLG's many ways to engage. Their entire team revolved around Jinx, and with no hard CC or mobility (like a Thresh) to protect her, CLG can just jump on Jinx and then Curse is powerless to do anything.

I feel it would've been better to pick Lucian and then just lane until he gets Sheen, then go for the tower, it would go down even faster (although it would take longer to get to that point). He can fend for himself a bit better than Jinx, and easier to peel for.

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Fucking FINALLY got a Pentakill earlier today. Had so many stolen in the past.


plus it was ranked, so yay for penta on record ????????

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