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Elder Scrolls V


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Trying to fight this Dragur Deathlord and his fucking shout kills me, it is impossible to dodge. This is fucking bullshit

Had trouble with a group of them and one would bow me and did about 3/4 of my hp per shot and always seemed to miss my shield. You have to get right on top of them so they can't bow you.

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Trying to fight this Dragur Deathlord and his fucking shout kills me, it is impossible to dodge. This is fucking bullshit

Are you sure it's killing you? When a Deathlord FUS ROH DAH's you it looks kind of like a death sequence but if you wait about 7 seconds your character gets back up. It just knocks you down.

Be funny if you were reloading your save thinking you had died when you didn't....

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Oh my days, 32 pages!

Anyway I bought Skyrim today for PC and every time I put in the Disc nothing happens. I even tried the old method of opening the start menu and clicking "Run" on my disc drive. The disc drive recognizes that it's the Skyrim disc and then it spins up to like a million RPM and makes a shitload of noise (and will continue to do so until I take it out) but nothing comes up on the screen.

The good news is I also bought Halo: Anniversary for the 360 so that will keep me entertained until I figured out why Skyrim won't install. I also bought the Game Guide for Skyrim and it's literally as thick as the Webster's Dictionary, so if anyone has any questions let me know and I can look it up for you.

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I just bought this. Do I have to know the storyline from Morrowind and Oblivion to know what's going on? I played Morrowind years ago, but I don't remember what the main plot was actually about.

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The Elder Scrolls series are all set in the same world but Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim are all different areas and time periods of that same world.

Skyrim occurs roughly 200 years after the events in Oblivion if I remember correctly. It's referred to as the "Oblivion Crisis" and it's the reason the Thalmor have so much control over the Empire now, and why the Stormcloaks are rebelling.

It's a rich lore, I didn't even really bother getting to know all of it until Skyrim came out.

Edited by Muse
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So this is funny...I went around early in the game sneaking and snooping around clearing out dungeons and what not right? Well, I went to this Morthal place and after being around there I get into this quest line. Turns out I have to kill this vampire person. The funny part is that they were all revived in the cave because I have already been there and cleared it out.

At least I'm not stuck with a quest that I couldn't complete.

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He was just knocking me down but I would load the game up cause I thought I had been killed. He would kill me with one bow shot though, I feel like my character is extremely weak. I have one more quest for the companions, then getting the rest of the achievements. That should pretty much sum up my Skyrim career.

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